Correctional Certification Subpart 1. Purpose: establish program certification requirements that govern facilities providing correctional program services. Subpart 2. Applicability: apply to a licensed facility providing correctional services.
License Requirements Subpart 3. Programs certified under the corrections certification must also meet the administrative licensing requirements and be licensed as a group residential setting or a family foster setting.
Program Certification Approval Subpart 1. DOC will certify programs who wish to have the correctional certification. Subpart 3. Facilities who wish correctional certification must apply for that certification as part of the application process.
Correctional Certification Subpart 3. The certification document will contain the following information: –Program length –Program content –Types of services offered –The amounts of services offered
Minimum Criteria for Certification Subpart 4A The license holder must identify: Measurable outcomes that indicate the program will meet the needs of the target population served by the facilities program.
Minimum Criteria for Certification Subpart 4. Measurable outcomes must be directly related to the program objectives stated in the license holders correctional certification application.
Minimum Criteria for Certification Subpart 4B Correctional certification applicants must offer: 1. Social and interpersonal skills development to achieve the following outcomes: The resident resolved conflict in an appropriate manner The resident develops and maintains supportive relationships
Minimum Criteria for Certification Subpart 4B –The resident communicates and interacts appropriately with peers and adults –The resident is aware of race and gender bias issues 2. Chemical use and abuse awareness
Minimum Criteria for Certification 3.Correctional programming with the following outcomes: –The resident makes reparations for past behavior –The resident addresses relationships with family, community and school
Minimum Criteria for Certification 4. Transition and life skills development outcomes : –Age appropriate self-care and self- reliance –A place to live upon release –A plan for constructive daily activity –A means of financial support –A community support system
Notification to Placement Agency C If the license holder cannot meet the identified needs of the resident, they must document the notification made to the placement agency and the action taken by the placement agency in response to that notification.
Recreation D Recreational plan must include: –Regulations to protect the residents welfare and the security of the facility –Provide two hours of organized and supervised physical exercise, recreational and leisure activities for residents, excluding T.V.
Recreation D Facilities must have: Indoor space and equipment for active recreation Outdoor recreation space, equipment and supportive staff
Personnel Standards-Staffing Subpart 1 Staffing plans must consider: –More than 25 beds, one staff directed to develop and coordinate recreational programs –The staff must have training or experience to perform the recreational duties
Personnel Standards-Staffing Subpart 1B *In coeducational or female-only programs, female resident housing units must, at a minimum, have one female staff person on duty during night time hours. The license holder must exceed the minimum staff-to- resident ratio if necessary to meet this requirement.
Staff Qualifications Subpart 2A Administrator must have: Bachelors degree in behavioral sciences, public administration or a related field.
Staff Qualifications Subpart 2B Program Director must have: –Bachelors degree in behavioral sciences or related field with at least two years of work experience providing correctional services to residents. –One year experience or training in program administration & supervision of staff.
Supervision of Treatment Subpart 3 The Program Director must: Supervise the development of treatment plans Be involved in the planning process and sign the treatment plan
Supervision of Treatment Subpart 3 Supervise the treatment plan and ongoing documentation and evaluation of the residents progress Document on a biweekly basis a review of all program services provided for the resident in the preceding week
Staff Orientation Training Subpart 4 Within the first 45 days of employment, training must be completed in the following areas: – Policy & Procedures of the facility – Resident rights – Emergency procedures
Staff Orientation Training Subpart 4 Rules of conduct, policies & procedures related to discipline of the residents Emergency & crisis services Problems and needs of residents and their families
Staff Restrictive Technique Use Subpart 4 No staff person may participate in the use of physical holding, seclusion, or other restrictive procedures with a resident before completing approved training. Restrictive procedure. "Restrictive procedure" means a procedure used by the license holder to limit the movement of a resident, including disciplinary room time, mechanical restraint, physical escort, physical holding, and seclusion.
Individual Staff Development Subpart 5 License holder must ensure that an annual individual staff development & evaluation plan is completed for direct care staff.
Individual Staff Development Plan Subpart 5 Must meet the needs specified in the persons annual employee evaluation Ensure that the direct care staff has sufficient training to be competent to deliver the correctional services assigned to the employee
Operational Policy & Procedures Subpart 1 The statement of intended use must reflect the use of restrictive procedures if they are to be used in the facility
DOC - Critical Incidents Subpart 2 Critical incidents and their disposition must be reported to the DOC within 10 days on the appropriate form.
Security Policies & Procedures Subpart 3 Facilities must have policies for the items below: –control and recovery of contraband; –delivery and service procedure; –prohibition of firearms and other weapons in resident areas; –search procedures; –escort of residents outside security area;
Security Policies & Procedures Subpart 3 –one-half hour interval security inspection routines when residents are not under direct supervision; –lock and key procedures; –inspection of physical plant procedures;
Security Policies & Procedures Subpart 3 –count procedures; –weapons, tools, equipment, medications, –hazardous substances; and –use of chemical irritants.
Reporting Required Subpart 4 The license holder must report information and statistics about program services, outcomes, and data about residents in the license holder's facility to the commissioner of corrections.