The Life of Anna May Dobrodenka 1917-Forever
Things She Likes Her favorite dish is chicken paprikash Her favorite flowers are gardenias and lilies Her favorite birds are hummingbirds and sea-birds Her favorite holiday is Christmas
Information on Anna She was born in San Francisco on February 28 th 1917 Her sister Beth helped deliver her in their apartment Her parents and sister came on a boat called the Kroonland from Hungary to the united states in 1902 She married Elmer Peabody in 1938 Anna and Elmer had 3 children: –Joanne, Frank and Joyce Elmer was born in 1915 and passed away in 1957 at the age of 43 Anna was widowed for 7 years but then got together with her friend that she knew since high school, Tom May, and they were married for 42 years before he passed away at the age of 91
Anna has… 3 children and 4 step-children 4 grandchildren and 10 step grandchildren 3 great grandchildren and 11 step great grandchildren 3 step great, great grandchildren Anna also had… 3 aunts & 3 uncles on her mom's side 1 aunt & 1 uncle on her dad's side Information on Anna
Video in San Francisco from 1906
The first electronic she ever used was a Kodak brownie Her first car was a 1938 Plymouth She loves to play golf Her favorite insect is a butterfly She loves white gardenias This is her house from San- Francisco
These are some pictures from a priceless photo album containing many pictures from Anna’s past and present.
This is a very important picture; it’s three generations of Dobrodenka women…
This is the boat that Anna's family came to America on This is Anna’s sister in her swimsuit This is Anna’s parents This is Anna and her parents This is Anna’s parents and her sister Anna and her first crush This looks like a Dobrodenka family reunion. This is Anna and her sister, they are 20 years apart
Anna’s life in pictures…
Thank you for listening about the great life of Anna Dobrodenka!! Taylor Jonah Andy