初中英语词汇教学与策略 Learning Strategies & The Techniques for Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary in the Secondary School 深圳大学英语系 齐放
早期种子研究 into the `GOOD LANGUAGE LEARNER` Investigations focusing on the `good language learner` by Rubin (1975), Stern (1975). Rubin (1975: 45) suggested a list of seven strategies used by good language learners. She stated that the good language learners: 1. were willing and accurate guessers; 2. had a strong, persevering drive to communicate; 3. were often uninhibited and willing to make mistakes in order to learn or communicate;
种子研究 into the `GOOD LANGUAGE LEARNER` 4. focused on form by looking for patterns, classifying, and analyzing; 5. took advantage of all practice opportunities; 6. monitored their own speech and the speech of others; and 7. paid attention to meaning.
The Seminal Studies into English Learning Strategies Bialystok (1979) examined the effects of using two functional strategies: inferencing ( 推断策略 ) and functional practising, and two formal strategies: monitoring ( 监 控策略 ) and formal practising.
The Seminal Studies into English Learning Strategies According to Bialystok (1979), inferencing referred to the process of inferring non-explicit meaning, and functional practising ( 功能练习 )occurred when the learner used the language for actual communication or comprehension purposes. These two functional strategies were concerned with language use.
The Seminal Studies into English Learning Strategies The other two language strategies, namely, two formal strategies, focused on language forms. Monitoring was a student’s self monitoring of his or her language performance in terms of form, while formal practising was the specific exercise of the language for the sake of mastering the rule system.
O’Malley’s Research on English Learning Strategies A major research program in the 1980s was conducted by O’Malley and his colleagues with beginning and intermediate ESL learners. From the findings of their series of studies, O’Malley et al.(1985) provided the first clear contrast between cognitive ( 认知 ) and metacognitive strategies ( 元认知策略 ).
O’Malley’s Research on English Learning Strategies They also classified learning strategies into three broad categories: metacognitive( 元认知 ), cognitive ( 元认 )and social mediation strategies. According to O’Malley et al.(1985), metacognitive strategies involved thinking about the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring of comprehension or production while it was taking place, and self-evaluation of learning after the language activity was completed.
O’Malley’s Research on English Learning Strategies Cognitive strategies were more directly related to individual learning tasks and entailed direct manipulation or transformation of the learning materials. Social mediation strategies were for cooperation, i.e., to learn with others.
(1992) Oxford’s own definition of learning strategies: ‘special actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self- directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations’.
Oxford’s (1990) Strategy System Direct strategies ‘working with the language itself’ 1. cognitive 认知策略 2. mnemonic 记忆策略 3. compensatory 补偿策 略 Indirect strategies ‘for general management of learning’ ‘for general management of learning’ 4. metacognitive 5. affective 情感策略 6. social 社会策略
1. Cognitive strategies for understanding and producing the language Guessing from context analyzing deduction: consciously applying rules to produce or understand the second language or understand the second languageInductionnote-taking reorganizing information reorganizing information: constructing a meaningful sentence or larger language sequence by combining known elements in a new way
2. Mnemonic strategies for remembering and retrieving new information In contrast to cognitive strategies, mnemonic strategies do not typically foster deep associations but instead relate one thing to another in a simplistic, stimulus-response manner.
3. Compensatory strategies for using the language despite knowledge gaps Synonym use Circumlocution 婉转曲折的陈述 Gestures use (for speaking)
4. Metacognitive strategies for coordinating the learning process Metacognitive strategies help learners manage: themselves as learners ----identifying interests, needs and learning style preferences. the general learning process ----identifying available resources, deciding which resources are valuable for a given task, setting schedules, etc. special learning tasks
5. Affective strategies for regulating emotions 6. Social strategies for learning with others Task! Try to match the six examples with Oxford’s strategy types.
A: pushing yourself to take risks in a language learning situation, even though there is a chance of making a mistake or looking foolish. B: remembering new language information according to its sound C: making efforts to find out how language learning works by reading books and talking with other people, then using this to help improve one’s own language learning. D: cooperating with peers E: using body language or switching to the mother tongue F: saying or doing something over and over: listening to something several times; rehearsing; imitating a native speaker 1. mnemonic 2. cognitive 3. compensatory 4. metacognitive 5. affective 6. social
What are your self-reflection about English Learning Strategies in your own context ? Learnable ? Teachable ? What are your self-reflection about English Learning Strategies in your own context ? The Teacher’s awareness about English Learning Strategies, and their efforts to nurture and develop the Learner’s learning strategies in English learning Enable them to be a strategic learner.