Common Core State Standards ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS GRADES 6-12
June 12, 2012 AGENDA What are the Common Core State Standards? What are the components of the English Language Arts standards? What are the “shifts” in instruction? What can parents do to support their children? How is the new CCSS assessment different?
COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS Turn and Talk 1.According to the video, what is the purpose of having these national standards? 2.What else stood out to you as you were watching/listening to the video?
Reading Standards 10 standards for literary text 10 standards for informational text Emphasize: Comprehension of complex text Analysis of key ideas and details Examination of author’s craft and structure
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Writing Standards 10 standards Focus on: Argument/Opinion Writing Informative/Explanatory Writing Narrative – real or imagined Research projects
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Speaking and Listening Standards 6 standards Focus on: Collaborative discussion in a range of settings Inclusion of multimedia components
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Language Standards 6 standards Include: Conventions for writing and speaking Vocabulary acquisition
ACTIVITY ▪ Turn to a shoulder partner and determine who will be Partner A and who will be Partner B ▪ Partner A – Summarize the ELA Reading Standards and Speaking and Listening Standards for your partner ▪ Partner B – Summarize the ELA Writing Standards and Language Standards for your partner A-B Partner
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS – “SHIFTS” Read as much non-fiction as fiction Supply more non-fiction texts Read non-fiction books aloud or with your child Have fun with non- fiction in front of your child Learn about the world by reading Supply series of text on topics that interest your child Find books that explain how things work and why Discuss non-fiction texts and their ideas Read more challenging material Know what is grade- level appropriate Provide challenging texts as well as books your child can read easily Read challenging books with your child Show that challenging books are worth reading Graphic Organizer
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS – “SHIFTS” Talk about reading using evidence Talk about texts Demand evidence in everyday discussions and disagreements Read aloud, or read the same book as your child and discuss it Discuss predictions Write about text using evidence Encourage writing as home Write together using evidence and detail Review samples of exemplar student writing Know more vocabulary words Read often and constantly with young children Read multiple books on the same topic Graphic Organizer
ASSESSMENT Smarter Balanced Assessment
Summative Assessment Two components: Computer Adaptive Performance Task Testing on CCSS begins in Spring 2015 Scores are expected to be lower