San Francisco’s Chinatown Mothers’ perspective: 1930’s and ‘40s Daughters’ perspective: 1960’s to 1980’s
Golden Gate Park 1930’s
Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park
Golden Gate Park in the 60’s Hippies celebrating summer!
Angel Island 1930’s Asian immigrants arriving at the Immigration Station on Angel Island, one of 50 American ports designated as ports of entry for immigrants by the immigration law of 1891.
Angel Island 1930’s
Angel Island 1960’s Angel Island was the western US equivalent of Ellis Island in New York harbour where the impoverished and down-trodden immigrants from Europe were processed when they arrived.
Aerial View of Angel Island
Chinatown 1950’s
Chinatown 1940’s
Chinatown 1940’s-1960’s
Chinatown 1960’s
Oakland’s Chinatown
Oakland Chinese Community Center 1953
Stockton St. 1960’s
North Beach
North Beach 1940’s
North Beach
Berkeley 1930’s
UC Berkeley Free Speech Movement ‘60s
Berkeley 1985 Anit- Apartheid demonstration