Foundation Meeting May 13, 2015
Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation Summary of Contributions to the School System
Technology Funding Five Years in Review Location Elementary Schools Pilot for InterWrite Replacement— Mobis for all 4 schools K-1 Pilot for Promethean Boards for all 4 schools Continuation of Promethean Board Installations Funding Toward Laptop Replacements Grade 2 iPads Carts to Replace Mini Laptops—all 4 schools DDP Pilot (CES by Application) iPads for all 4 Elementary Schools—38 classrooms New Website Wireless Access Points Junior High Pilot for InterWrite Replacement— Mobi Laptop Replacements Funding Toward Laptop Replacements DDP Pilot—JH Math Learning Spaces Pilot New Website Wireless Access Points High School Pilot for InterWrite Replacement— Mobi Laptop Replacements Funding Toward Laptop Replacements DDP Pilot—HS English/Social Studies Funding Toward Laptop Replacements New Website Wireless Access Points
Summary of Contributions
Update on Contribution Use
Summer Small Groups Amanda Malachowski Math Coach and Former 5 th Gr. Teacher
Why? *Uninterrupted collaboration *Professional growth *Improved student learning
My Fifth Grade Math PLC * CCRS and Investigations * weakness in fractional reasoning *Summer, begin curriculum redesign * TODAY!
Thank you! “Math has taught me to not only add, subtract, multiply, and divide, but also to work with others and solve my own problems. But not just math problems, life problems.” ~Wilder, fifth grader
Mountain Brook Schools Learning Conference “I began using Socratic Seminars in my AP Spanish classroom after attending a Learning Conference session last summer presented by Megan Hastings and Katie Ray on how they use the seminars in their English courses. They shared their materials, which I translated into Spanish with their permission. Thanks to their session last year, I have been able to successfully implement Socratic Seminars and want to share this information with other World Language teachers.” Jessie Creech, MBHS Spanish
Mountain Brook Schools Institute for Innovation
Mountain Brook Schools 1:1 Wireless Access to Support Learning Jennifer Nelson 7 th Grade English
Mountain Brook Schools Foundation Request for
Library Enhancements Books Magazines Software and Materials
Professional Learning
Technology Data Projector Replacements MBTV Online with Eduvision Website Technology Bundle
Data Projector Replacements
MBTV Online
MBS Technology Bundle
Summary of Requests Library Enhancement$12,000 Books, Magazines, Software and Supplies$12,000 Professional Learning$195,000 Continuation of Salary for Elementary Math Coach$60,000 Summer Professional Learning Stipends$100,000 Institute for Innovation$35,000 Technology$213,000 Data Projector Replacements$80,000 MBTV Online with EduVision$18,000 Technology Bundle$100,000 Website$15,000 Total$420,000
Summary of Contributions to the School System
Summary of Identified Needs Mountain Brook Schools Foundation ___RequesteRequestedActualctual Library Enhancement$12,000 Books, Magazines, Software and Supplies$12,000__________________ Professional Learning$195,000 Continuation of Salary for Elementary Math Coach $60,000__________________ Summer Professional Learning Stipends$100,000__________________ Institute for Innovation$35,000__________________ Technology$213,000 Data Projector Replacements$80,000__________________ MBTV Online with EduVision$18,000__________________ Technology Bundle$100,000__________________ Website$15,000__________________ Total$382,776