Partners in Aquatic Biotechnology
Overview The ATC is an EU-supported initiative It aims to make more accessible to the commercial sector, the skills and facilities of the Institute of Aquaculture The ATC brings together several long- standing commercial services, and helps to nurture new ones It provides a central contact point for commercial enquiries
The ATC Especially Serves: Biotechnology, environment, food & animal health sector companies seeking contract research partners and analytical facilities Public & finance sector institutions requiring guidance on aquaculture & aquatic biotechnology Any company requiring additional resources and advice to develop products for the aquaculture industry worldwide Existing aquaculture enterprises requiring support with diagnostics, health management, environmental assessment & monitoring etc.
Access to Leading Expertise Reproduction & Genetics Aquatic animal health Nutrition EnvironmentSystems Research & Teaching Administration Aquaculture Technology Centre Services Diagnostics Contract Research Contract Research Environ- mental Services Environ- mental Services Stirling Aquaculture Stirling Aquaculture Commercial activities Academic activities
Services Contract research Analytical services Disease diagnostics Environmental assessment Expert advice Supporting market and sector studies Training
Contract research The Institute has over 2,500 m 2 of wet laboratory area, split between 6 aquaria Aquaria are mostly temperature controlled, two with full disease isolation facilities These aquaria are complemented by around twenty specialist laboratories totalling 800 m 2 Over 200 m 2 of GLP accredited research laboratories Excellent analytical equipment and highly trained staff
External facilities The Institute additionally has three external facilities available for contract research –Machrihanish –Howietoun –Buckieburn
Machrihanish The Marine Environmental Research Laboratory makes available: –More than 100 holding tanks of various sizes, ranging from 1m to 4m diameter –Heated and cooled seawater for temperature-dependent or out- of-season studies –Purpose built facilities for drug testing and feed trials –Isolation suite with effluent disinfection for research on infectious diseases of marine organisms –Heated full-recirculation units for studies with tropical and warm-water species
Buckieburn The Freshwater Research Laboratory makes available: –Around 100 holding tanks of various sizes, ranging from 1m to 5m diameter housed in three separate steel buildings –Purpose built laboratory for initial processing of research material
Analytical services Analytical services can be provided based on the following major items of equipment: –DNA Sequencer –PCR machines –HPLC & GC-MS –Amino Acid Analyser –AA Spectrophotometer –CHN/SO Analyser –Coulter Multisizer –Transmission & scanning electron microscopes –Radioisotope facilities Plus a full range of standard chemical analysis for water and feeds etc.
Diagnostic services 3 Senior vets available for on-site advice and lab- based diagnostics Full access to diagnostic laboratories, including –Histology –Bacteriology –Virology –Molecular & immunology based diagnostics –Electron microscopy On-demand, contract and postal services available
Environmental services Resource assessment and management Impact assessment and monitoring Training
Consultancy Primarily carried out through the “Stirling Aquaculture” arm of the Institute 5 Stirling based staff, 2 overseas project managers, several part-time associate consultants and access to other staff of the Institute of Aquaculture or University Department of Marketing Regularly carry out sector, market and feasibility studies, manage aquaculture start-ups and expansion, provide expert witnesses or trouble shooting
Training Training placements are available in most sections of the Institute. Assistance with funding may be available through EU or local training schemes
Partnerships The Institute is keen to partner with commercial organisations for the development of new products and services Various facilities exist to support academic and commercial partnerships
BBSRC Related Funding BBSRC for instance have several support facilities: –LINK –Industrial Partnerships –Small Business Research Initiative –Industrial CASE Scheme –Industry Fellowships –Faraday Partnerships
Other support EC – CRAFT and Innovation projects under the Framework RTD programmes SEERAD – Agriculture and biological Research Group Scottish Enterprise- Small Company Innovation Scheme & Expert Help Local Council – various assistance schemes TCS – funding from DTI and BBSRC
Funding to support the employment of a graduate on a project that is central to the needs of the company – jointly supervised by a University and company supervisor Involves 1 or more “Associates” on programmes lasting 2 (or exceptionally 3 or 4) years Companies improve competitiveness by gaining access to knowledge that helps them to innovate, improve operations and quality and to expand sales and markets. Companies are expected to contribute financially to the programme University gains insights into business needs and can relate its research and training to business. Benefits staff and reputation The graduate gains through responsible employment, business related training and other personal development opportunities
The Aquaculture Technology Centre is supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the East of Scotland European Partnership