Resilience, Learning Styles, and Self Discipline Larry Schanus Psy. D. Licensed Psychologist MCF/SHK April 8, 2010 Copyright Larry Schanus 2010
History of Resilience Decades of research Viktor Frankl Visual / Detailed orientation 40 Identified Assets for children Search Institute, Minneapolis, MN
Learning styles Inventory (Kolb) 1. Why 2. Details (Schools are staffed to teach these individuals) 3. Experience 4. How to use it
Dr. Larrys Questions to Our Population Now, that you know about your learning style differences how will it make your life different?
Self-Discipline How many of you have made a poor choice, even if you saw the right choice? Individuals lacking self discipline may not make the right choice even if they know the right choice.
Connection between Self Discipline & Resiliency Some individuals lack a natural ability to develop self discipline. No assessment available to test for self discipline. (Marshmallows) Inappropriate choices may be an indicator for those who lack self discipline.
Connection between Self Discipline & Resiliency- continued Self Discipline can be understood as a vital component of a sense of ownership and responsibility for ones behavior. (Brooks, 2006).
Self-Discipline a Metaphor Disciple – to teach or lead Discipline – to teach Self Discipline – to teach your self
Developing Self Discipline through the Resiliency Model Behavior Negative Consequence Positive Outcome Self Discipline (Resiliency Model) (Learning styles) (Restorative Disc)
A Hypothesis based on MCF/SHK Research has shown that for individuals lacking self-discipline, there is no guarantee that they will make good choices. These same individuals can be successfully taught self discipline with positive results. Dr. Larrys hypothesis is…. Offenders are making better choices. These results are supported by Sgt. Churchs statistical findings. developing self-discipline. The results are they
Statistical Measures Change in Discipline Cases from thru Control Group3% Decrease Resilient Group 47% Decrease
Statistical Measures Change in discipline cases from thru Control Group15% decrease Resiliency Group51% decrease
Disciplinary Practices for Tough Cases We are aware the temperament and cognitive styles from birth make it more difficult to develop self-discipline. Some adults need a person in their lives who will assist them to think before they act, reflect upon options, and realize that consequences follow from their choices. Disciplinary practices based on a resilient mindset will prove to be most beneficial in supporting the emergence of self-discipline.
Resilient Mindset Have the ability to solve problems and make decisions. See problems as challenges to be solved rather than to be avoided. Rely on effective coping strategies that foster growth, rather than defeat. They focus on what they can control. Able to seek help.
Resiliency Resiliency is the ability of individuals, work groups and families to bounce back during times of stress.
Resiliency: what you will get from this class A better understanding of what resiliency is and why it is important. Common sense tools that will help you become more resilient. Strategies for helping the people you live and work with become more resilient.
Resiliency Resiliency is important. Resiliency can be learned. Resiliency has a lasting impact on decreasing depression and anxiety symptoms.
Advantages of promoting resiliency People are engaged, challenged, focused. Individuals feel capable and optimistic. Act positively and responsibly.
Resiliency assets, balancing the demand
Finding your comfort zone
Warning signs
Helpful things people say to themselves to think resiliently Realizing problems are temporary Give yourself credit for what youve done Address problems one at a time Discuss instead of argue Help others see more positively Understand few problems are life or death
Resiliency What do you do in your life to promote resiliency?
Resiliency Assets - Beliefs Beliefs are the common points of view resilient people demonstrate in the face of challenges: Positive outlook Purpose in life Personal power Self esteem Focus on learning
Resiliency Assets- Capability Capability – the skills that are fundamental to building resiliency through: Managing how we react Managing the situation itself Managing your creative energy
Managing how we react: Anatomy of an Amygdala Attack
Managing how we react
Managing the situation- (Covey) Covey
Managing Creative Energy Short Term Energizers: daily activities. Long Term Energizers: Vacations and other planned events
Building supportive relationships 5 types of support Emotional Esteem Information Tangible Companionship
Components of a Resilient Climate Respect Recognition Support Flexibility Opportunity to make a meaningful contribution
Mindset of Effective Educators Differing assumptions that staff possess about themselves and the offenders. In one scenario staff may see ongoing questions by an offender as an intentional ploy to distract from the situation. Another staff with the same offender may assume the questions represent an attempt to understand the situation being presented.
Mindset of Effective Educators Instilling hope and optimism. Learning that happens has as much to do with the influence of staff than what students bring into the situation. Subscribe to a strength-based model, which includes identifying and reinforcing each students strengths. All students yearn to be successful.
Mindset of Effective Students Students typically do not pause to consider assumptions about learning and motivation that impact on their success at school. A student struggling to learn math may believe that a high test score was based on luck. The believe that luck was the determining factor will make it difficult to be confident about future success since luck is beyond ones control.
Mindset of Effective Students In contrast another student also struggling with math, may interpret a good test score as an indication that the tutoring and extra studying she has done are resulting in her becoming a better student. Thus they credit their success with things within their control such as effort, a belief that reinforces confidence for continued success.
Mindset of Effective Students Believe that what they learn or not is based on their own motivation Recognize that mistakes are a part of the learning process. Perceive the teacher as a supportive adult. Understand their unique learning style Interact with their classmates with respect.