Quality assurance / Quality control system for the Greek GHG emissions inventory Yannis Sarafidis, Elena Georgopoulou UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems under Article 5.1 of the Kyoto Protocol 11 – 12 April 2005
Structure of presentation Institutional arrangements & Inventory preparation process Description of the QA/QC system Current status of implementation Planned activities
Institutional arrangements Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Development and implementation of environmental policy Provision of information concerning the state of the environment National System arrangements National Observatory of Athens (NOA) - Technical responsibility Monitoring committee within the Ministry Procedures for providing responses to any issues raised by the inventory review process Development of a QA/QC plan Detailed official specification of the roles of and the co-operation between government agencies is still ongoing
GHG emissions inventory preparation process National Statistical Service Government Agencies Private Enterprises Data Collection Consistency Check Development / Selection of emission factors Methodological Choice GHG EMISSIONS ESTIMATION Compilation of CRF Tables Draft National Inventory Report COMMENTS Submission to European Commission and UNFCCC Secretariat Final NIR Reliability
Structure and tasks of the inventory team Energy Industrial processes SolventsAgricultureLULUCFWaste Emissions estimation Emissions estimates review Record keeping Data collection Data check Sectoral inventory reports National inventory report Archiving of inventory information Publication of results Web site update CRF compilation CRF check
QA/QC activities up to 2004 submission Comparison of information from different data sources Archiving of the emission factors used Reference vs. Sectoral approach for CO 2 emissions estimates from the energy sector Assessment of the observed trends Comments from governmental agencies involved
QA/QC system development(1) General framework COP decisions Compliance under the Kyoto Protocol Requirements Production of transparent, consistent, comparable, complete and accurate emissions estimates Ensure sufficient capacity for the development of an inventory Task-oriented approach followed Data collection and processing Application of methods for calculating / recalculating emissions or removals consistent with the guidelines Making quantitative estimates of inventory uncertainty Archiving of information and record keeping Compilation of national inventory reports
QA/QC system development(2) External consultant References IPCC Good Practice Guidance ISO 9001:2000 Technical approach followed Exchange of information Inventory team activities and requirements (NOA external consultant) The principles of the ISO 9001:2000 standard (external consultant NOA) Development of draft documents and discussion Finalisation of the QA/QC system
QA/QC system processes QA/QC system management Quality control Archiving of inventory information Quality assurance Estimation of uncertainties Inventory improvement
QA/QC system procedures
Typical structure of a procedure Scope of the procedure Description Responsibilities Critical factors for success Efficiency indicators Input Output Forms to be filled in Association with other procedures
Examples of forms Personal communication with data provider List of data sources, checks and problems
QA/QC processes and inventory related activities
QA/QC system start-up April 2004 Documents Quality management handbook Policy statement Quality objectives QA/QC system manual Processes - Procedures Forms Inventory team organisation chart Assignment of QA/QC co-ordinator File system manager Training Internal review
Quality objectives Compliance with the IPCC guidelines and the UNFCCC reporting guidelines while estimating and reporting emissions / removals Continuous improvement of GHG emissions / removals estimates Timely submission of necessary information in compliance with relevant requirements defined in international conventions, protocols and agreements
Ongoing QA/QC activities Recalculations ICR of 2004 submission Key categories analysis Improved data availability in the framework of the EU-ETS Emission factors QC checks for some country-specific emission factors Documentation of emission factors used Activity data References Trend assessment Cross-reference of activity data among different sources Emission estimates Trend assessment IEF check
Overview of planned activities Internal review Improvement of the archiving of information related to the compilation of the GHG emissions / removals per source / sink category Specification of procedures for interaction between NOA and governmental agencies related directly or indirectly in the preparation of the inventory Development of a long term inventory improvement plan
Remarks Experience from the initial implementation phase Formalisation and documentation of inventory-related activities A learning period is necessary for the active involvement of inventory team Official arrangements for the National System (e.g. better information on QA/QC activities outside the inventory team) Availability of human resources Association of data providers with inventory development Format of available activity data Timing of availability