RENAL TUMOR CASES FOR DISCURSION Prof. Hasan Farsi Consultant Of Urology KAU Ass Prof Anmar Nasir Consultant of Urology Um Al-qura univ
Case 1
History Age –54y Symptoms –Bilateral flank pain –No hematuria –No voiding or storage symptoms –No uremic manifestations O/E: –Generally ok –Fullness in both renal angle with mild tenderness – no palpable mass
Laboratory profiles Renal profiles CBC KNaCrPlateletWbcsHg Prop Post Op Post Renal TX CxrAltBilirubin Alk Phos AlbuminNad Prop Nad Post Op Nad Post Renal TX
Surgical procedure Date : –23/2/2006 Surical technique –Bilateral radical nephrectomy –12 rib supra costal approch Pathology :
Pathology Microscopic Description Gross Description RightLeftRightLeft GIIT2NoMo GII T2NoMo 14x7x617x11x6Size Ureter And Renal Artery And Vein Pre-nenphric Fat, Ureter And Renal Artery And Vein Attached To -Ve+Ve Adrenal Gland -Ve-VeLN Numerous Tumor Nodules Ranging In Sixe From0.4- 6cm Numerous Tumor Nodules Ranging In Sixe From0.4- 9cm Tumour
Post operative for 2 yrs
Renal TX 27/11/2008
Post renal TX
Case 2
Age –53y Symptoms –Left flank pain –No hematuria –No voiding or storage symptoms –No uremic manifestations O/E: –Generally ok –mild tenderness –no palpable mass
Surgical procedure Date : –8/5/2007 Surical technique –Left partial Nephrectomy –12 rib supra costal approch Pathology :
Pathology Microscopic Description Gross Description Left GII T3NoMo Left 3.5x2.5x1Size Well circumscribed Submitted total+safty margin from the bed Tumour
Post op
Surgical procedure Technique: –left renal exploration –12 rib incision –Excision of mass in the left renal bed with safety margin from including the renal capsule –Pathology: Myofibroblastic proliferation (Desmoid tumor)
Thank you