Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Item 3. Guidance of Work Area 1 Markets and Statistics By Ed Pepke Forest Products Marketing Specialist Document TIM/EFC/WP.2/2004/3
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Key points for consideration Policy relevance of market-related work Scheduling outputs Disseminating price info Country info via websites Priorities and resources Mandate of Team of Specialists
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Overarching questions Do present activities support a useful and policy relevant discussion on market and trade issues? Which outputs need to be given priority and which ones may be stopped? Which ones only published electronically?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Specific questions--1 Should new Forest Products Annual Market Analysis (FPAMA) be repeated in 2004? Is collection and dissemination of forest products prices information satisfactory? How should country specific information be presented on the TC/EFC and FAO websites for maximum synergies? TC = Timber Committee EFC = European Forestry Commission
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Specific questions--2 Is proposed mandate for the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing reflect the strategic priorities? Could your country loan expertise to the Timber Branch in 2004?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Outcomes of discussions 1.Approve the detailed plan for Work Area 1 activities (annex 1) 2.Recommend approval by the Bureaux of the TC and EFC of the proposed terms of reference of the Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing (annex 2) 3.Guidance on specific questions
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Review of WPFES recommendations in 2003 (Annex 4 of document)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1. Change in scope and timing of major outputs 1.Policy issues should be linked to market aspects 2.Separate publication or special chapter on an important policy-related issue 3.Reducing length of current analyses 4.Merging 1. FPAMR and 2. post-TC forecasting Bulletin 1.Considered consistently and covered as appropriate 2.Special chapter on policy-related issues in FPAMA; Wood energy was discussed at a policy forum vs = FPAMA
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1. Change in scope and timing of major outputs 5.Continue producing a market analysis as the basis of the TC Market Discussions 6.Disseminate outputs via TC website. Notify users via listserver and eventually an automated “webminder” 5.Draft market analysis was uploaded to website in August 6.Outputs uploaded to the TC/EFC website when completed. Users notified through direct announcements and listservers. The site does not yet have a webminder.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva FPAMReview FPAMAnalysis Content changes to with forecasts Policy orientation throughout New policy chapter Statistical tables shifted to electronic annex Special chapters omitted –No current market issue chapter –No UNECE region country focus chapter –No UNECE region trading partner chapter Maintained same statistics-based chapters Maintained same non-statistics based chapters
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva FPAMReview FPAMAnalysis Production changes 2 stage production –Draft based on statistics before TC Market Discussions on website only in August –Final with forecasts after TCMDs on website in December and submitted for printing and translation in December (still not available in print) Technical reviews x 2 Copy editing and proofreading x 2 Graphics with updating in October Layout not quite twice as time consuming
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva FPAMReview FPAMAnalysis What does the reader see? New policy chapter No former special chapters Less statistics tables Shorter chapters –Part 1 based on statistics –Part 2 based on forecasts, country market statements, TC Market Discussions Shorter: 155 vs. 225 pages
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva FPAMReview FPAMAnalysis But do the readers like what they see?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 2. Organisation of the annual Timber Committee Market Discussions 1.Maintain current 1½ days devoted to market sector discussions to enable adequate discussion time 2.Continuing to collect, analyse, discuss and disseminate market forecasts, a key output were 1½ days, preceded by a half-day policy forum on “Forests, wood and energy” 2.32 countries submitted responses to the TC (forecasting) Questionnaire
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Replies to TC Questionnaire
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Percentage completion of TC Questionnaire
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Replies to Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Percentage completion of JFSQ
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 2. Organisation of the annual Timber Committee Market Discussions 3.Correlate closer country market statements and discussions 4.Bring more industry representation 5.Including policy dimensions and requesting countries to report on these in their country market statements 3.Sector introductions by the secretariat and members of the Team of Specialists incorporated relevant info from statements 4.Over 100 participants at the TC Market Discussions, ~1/3 industry representation 5.Requested policy dimensions in country market statements: results mixed
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 2. Organisation of the annual Timber Committee Market Discussions 6.Maintain current market sectors in the discussions 7.Request comments on government procurement policies as a market driver for certified forest products 6.Same sectors included in 2003, but 2004 shortened schedule to 1 day 7.Report format requested info, but few countries contributed
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 3. Price statistics 1.Update and disseminate timber price statistics 2.“Timber Price Information Collection and Dissemination” proposal by EFI accepted 3.Maintain and update regularly price series, provided a satisfactory list of series is produced 1.Prices updated for market analyses. Disseminated in FPAMA. Consultant produced interface for TC/EFC website. 2.EFI requested Eurostat funds 3.Only series for internal analyses maintained
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 4. Market information system 1.Implement to the extent of resources 2.Working with FAO Forestry Department to bring out each site’s advantages 3.Establishing a task force for MIS development 4.Continue improving dissemination via an interactive system 5.Focus on TC’s comparative advantages 1-5. Given low priority and no resources.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 5. UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing 1.Mandate prolonged through October literature review on forest law enforcement governance and trade. Present at TC Market Discussions 3.Collect info on government procurement policies for certified forest products 4.Measure effectiveness of market-related publications. Present findings to WPFES. 1.Continued work. Proposes mandate extension through October Presented discussion paper at the TC Market Discussions. Workshop in Contributions from few country market statements synthesized for presentation on CFP markets 4.“UNECE/FAO Forest Products Market-Related Outputs. An evaluation by the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing”
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva UNECE/FAO Forest Products Market-Related Outputs. An evaluation by the Team of Specialists More than half of recommendations for changes to TC and EFC market-related outputs made by the Subgroup were agreed on without objection A few dissensions Concerns expressed about new Forest Products Annual Market Analysis –“Authoritative” nature of the forecast data –Different forecasting methods used by countries –Availability of resources –Timeliness in issuing a final publication
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva UNECE/FAO Forest Products Market-Related Outputs. An evaluation by the Team of Specialists Team of Specialists recommends updating the questionnaire, distributing it to a wider audience of TC, EFC and Working Party delegates and presenting the results to the Working Party session in 2005 Methodology (covered in report) Results listed next (detail covered in report) Conclusion (detail covered in report) –Request authorisation from WPFES to conduct wider survey (WPFES, heads TC and EFC) –Present results to WPFES in 2005
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva UNECE/FAO Forest Products Market-Related Outputs. An evaluation by the Team of Specialists 12 Resulting Recommendations 1.“Forest Products Markets: Prospects for 200x” be discontinued, combined into FPAMA along with country market statements 2. New (2003) schedule for FPAMA 3.“Forest Products Prices” only on website 4.“Forest Products Statistics” only on website 5.FPAMA to include forecasts 6.“Forest Products Trade Flow Data” discontinued
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva UNECE/FAO Forest Products Market-Related Outputs. An evaluation by the Team of Specialists 12 Resulting Recommendations 7.Geneva Timber and Forest Study Papers a.High quality research reports b.Secretariat to establish standard procedural guidelines (topics, authors, peer review, technical quality control) 8.Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers a.Technical papers b.Secretariat to establish standard procedural guidelines (topics, authors, quality, reviews)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva UNECE/FAO Forest Products Market-Related Outputs. An evaluation by the Team of Specialists 12 Resulting Recommendations 9.TIMBER database on TC/EFC website in format easier to read, download and update 10.Proposed Market Info System website to be user- friendly, up-to-date, with links to further info 11.Authors of FPAMA serve terms of 4 years. Author selection guidelines to be established 12.Improve forecasting methods among country correspondents for TCQ and market statements
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Status of Timber Bulletin (Annex 3)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Timber Bulletin printing status Title (2003)Last printingStatus 1F.P. Prices2000Cancelled 2F.P. Statistics2001 Provisional on website 3 F.P. Annual Market Analysis 2002 On website. Submitted 4Forest Fire Statistics2002On website 5F.P. Trade Flows2002 On website. Cancelled 6 F.P. Markets: Prospects for On website. Submitted
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Team’s mandate (annex 2) Provide a forum for discussion of forest products marketing in the UNECE region Contribute to the Committee's annual market discussions and thereby advise the TC and EFC on forest products market developments Advise on implementation of Work Area 1, focusing on its products and publications and undertaking studies as appropriate Provide assistance in marketing in the UNECE region, especially to central and eastern European countries, through information collection, analysis and dissemination, including workshops.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Team’s terms of reference Approved by office holders of the TC and EFC Guided by Working Party of Forest Economics and Statistics Report annually to the Working Party Proposed extension until October 2008 (Note, proposed extended terms of reference in annex 2 has unchanged mandate from 2003, but has updated activities for 2004+, and of course extended duration until 2008)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Team’s mandate Approved by office holders of the TC and EFC Guided by Working Party of Forest Economics and Statistics Report annually to the Working Party Proposed extension until October 2008.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing. Support, Contributions, Accomplishments and Future Planned Activities. Annual report to the FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics” Contributions and Support to the Timber Committee Additional Contributions and Supporting Activities Work in Progress and Future Activities Summary and Conclusions
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Team’s outputs Annual TC Market Discussions –Speakers, contribution to discussions –Paper on market effects of illegal logging Forest Products Annual Market Analyses –Authors on certified forest products, panels, paper & pulp, sawnwood, value-added, etc. –Guidance Evaluation of market-related outputs Team website for info sharing EFSOS reviews
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Team’s ongoing work Contributing to FPAMA TC Market Discussions Causes and extent of illegal logging Effectiveness of wood promotion Market-related outputs—broader evaluation Assistance to central and eastern European countries Bio-fuels info collection. Possible workshop Assessment of market info needs
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 6. Proposals for additional resources 1.Associate professional officer in forest products marketing in central and eastern European countries (CEECs) 2.Forest Sector Marketing Development proposal 1.New APO expected June 2004 to work on this programme 2.Proposal presented to WPFES in Being revised by secretariat. Reconsidering partners, including CEECs. Approach donors in 2004.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 7. Changes in Timber Bulletin titles 1.“Forest products annual market review” becomes “Forest products annual market analysis” 2.“Forest products markets for 200x and prospects for 200y” becomes “Forest Products Markets: Prospects for 200y” 1.FPAMReview became FPAMA 2.“Forest products markets for 200x and prospects for 200y” became “Forest Products Markets: Prospects for 200y”
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 8. Market-related Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers (for consideration by WPFES) 1.“Serbia’s forest products markets” 2.“China’s forest products markets” 3.“Market effects of wood energy policies” 4.“Forest certification update for the UNECE region, 2003” 1.Draft completed July In editing. 2.Postponed—no resources 3.“Forests, wood and energy: Policy interactions. In editing. 4.Reconsidered mid Survey launched November, closed January. In analysis by consultant.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 5.“Trends in tropical timber trade, ” 6.“Value-added wood products markets, ” 5.In printing 6.In printing 8. Market-related Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers (for consideration by WPFES)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva First in 1997 from Forest Communicators Network Print and website Each country Forest resources Forest products markets Link to FCN for more info Popular, valuable site Not maintained Replaced on TC/EFC website by link to FAO Forestry Department country info Secretariats exploring synergies to bring more country-specific info from TC/EFC site to both sites, including link to FCN for more info 9. Country fact sheets (for consideration by WPFES)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Continuing forward in reverse order… recap of presentation thus far Annex 4. Review of 2003 decisions and their status Annex 3. Annex 2. Annex 1.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Continuing forward in reverse order… recap of presentation thus far Annex 4. Review of 2003 decisions and their status Annex 3. Timber Bulletin status Annex 2. Annex 1.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Continuing forward in reverse order… recap of presentation thus far Annex 4. Review of 2003 decisions and their status Annex 3. Timber Bulletin status Annex 2. Mandate extension of Team of Specialists Annex 1.
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Continuing forward in reverse order… recap of presentation thus far Annex 4. Review of 2003 decisions and their status Annex 3. Timber Bulletin status Annex 2. Mandate extension of Team of Specialists Annex 1. Programme of work
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva WA 1. Programme of work 1.Statistics on production, trade and prices 2.Market analyses 3.Capacity building for CEECs in marketing 4.Monitoring markets for certified forest products 5.Forest fire statistics 6.Team of specialists, info network
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1.1 Statistics on production, trade and prices Description –Collect and disseminate through national correspondents –Improve quality and coverage –Collect secondary data as necessary Outputs –Timber Bulletin issues –TIMBER database, FAOSTAT database –Website info
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1.2 Market analyses Description –Analyse markets and publish annually –Publish forecasts Outputs –Timber Bulletin issues –Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers –Note: Special chapters in FPAMA cut in 2003
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1.3 Capacity building for CEECs in marketing Description –Conduct workshops Outputs –Workshops (Last in Seeking funds via “Forest Sector Marketing Development” proposal.) –New Junior/Associate/Loaned Professional Officer expected June 2004 to work on this programme
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1.4 Monitoring markets for certified forest products Description –Monitor, analyse and disseminate info –Primary data: Informal network of officially- nominated country correspondents on certification and certified forest products Outputs –TC Market Discussions –Chapter in FPAMA –Website with info and links –DP: “Forest certification update for the UNECE region” vs Future?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1.5 Forest fire statistics Description –Collect through national correspondents –Disseminate Outputs –Database –Timber Bulletin, issue 4 –Website
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva 1.6 Teams of specialists, info network Description –Support above activities –Provide advice Outputs –Studies by team(s) –Meetings and activities –National correspondents meetings (last in 2001); proposed capacity building for CIS (September 2004?) and for eastern and central Asia (June 2004)
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva After discussion on former subjects, Next Work Area 1 presentations New price website by Ms. Noora Kettunen, Consultant for Timber Branch Italian removals questionnaire by Mr. Antonio Macri, National Institute of Statistics, Italy
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Outcomes of discussions (as previously stated) 1.Approve the detailed plan for Work Area 1 activities (annex 1) 2.Recommend approval by the Bureaux of the TC and EFC of the proposed terms of reference of the Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing (annex 2) 3.Guidance on specific questions
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Overarching questions Do present activities support a useful and policy relevant discussion on market and trade issues? Which outputs need to be given priority and which ones may be stopped? Which ones only published electronically?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Specific questions--1 Should new Forest Products Annual Market Analysis (FPAMA) be repeated in 2004? Is collection and dissemination of forest products prices information satisfactory? How should country specific information be presented on the TC/EFC and FAO websites for maximum synergies?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Specific questions--2 Is proposed mandate for the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing reflect the strategic priorities? Could your country loan expertise to the Timber Branch in 2004?
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Discussion
Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics 26 th Session, March 2004, Geneva Next Work Area 1 presentations New price website by Ms. Noora Kettunen, consultant Italian removals questionnaire by Mr. Antonio Macri, National Institute of Statistics, Italy