1 OPOL Training (OrderPro Online) Prepared by Christina Van Metre Independent Educational Consultant CTO, Business Development Team © Training Version 1.0 – 1/20/04
2 OrderPro Online OrderPro online provides secure, reliable storage of data All data is backed up on servers No downloads of new versions or patches are necessary – users have access to all new features every time they log in Orders can be entered anywhere as long as you have Internet access
3 Getting Started This section covers logging on to OrderPro and shows how to navigate through the system All you need to get started is a Web browser and an Internet connection So, get online and launch your preferred Web browser
4 Logging On Open a browser and type orderpro.ubah.com You might want to add this page to your Favorites for quick access. Enter your consultant ID. Enter your password. And click here or press the Enter key to log in.
5 After Login You will then be brought to the Order Manager page. You can navigate to the various sections of Order Pro by clicking on their corresponding icons here… or on their links here. Clicking here will show the Administration menu items.
6 The Administration Menu Here are the different sections available in the Administration section. To get back to the Tools section, simply click here.
7 Editing Your Consultant Information Your consultant information can be accessed in the Administration Section of OrderPro. Click on the Consultant Setup option here to edit your information. This will bring you to the following page. You can edit all of your information and then click Update to save your changes. The page will reload with the saved updates.
8 Using the Download Center The Download Center can also be accessed from the Administration section. This is where you will retrieve POS and other tools you have purchased. This will load the following page. This page will give you detailed instructions on how to download your tools.
9 More Links/Logging Out Clicking here will launch a separate browser window displaying the UBAH consultant login page. Clicking here will launch a separate browser window displaying the EDC main page. You can sign out at any time by clicking here. When you are done using the system, make sure you sign off or close the browser window.
10 Using the Order Manager The Order Manager helps you create, stage, edit, and manage all book orders Orders can be created and saved for later processing Users can combine home party orders with e-Shows using the Order Manager This section covers how to create a new order, process and delete a pending order, and combine an order with an e-Show
11 Pending orders can be deleted by clicking on the Delete link. To open a pending order, simply click on the Select link. This will bring you to the first step of the ordering process with the saved information already filled in. From here you can navigate to other sections in order to complete the order. Using the Order Manager Orders that have been partially completed but are not ready to be processed get saved in the Pending Orders section. Information about the orders are displayed in these columns to help you identify your pending order. Orders are sorted by their Order number. To create a new order, click here. This will bring you the next page. Once opened, it can be combined with an e- Show by clicking here. A window will appear with a list of parties from which to choose. Completed orders appear here. All of the information that appears for the Pending Orders appear here too, with the addition of the Reference Number. This number gets generated when an order is processed. This list is sorted by the Reference Number.
12 Creating A New Order – Step 1 Enter the hostess information or … select the hostess by clicking on the previous hostess button. Doing this launches the contact manager in the following window. From here you can select the letter corresponding to the hostess’ last name. Clicking here selects the hostess and closes the window.
13 Step 1 Cont. – Hostess/Org Info and then enter the correct tax rate or their tax exempt ID. Click the checkbox if the tax rate is different than yours… Select the shipping option (books can be sent directly to the consultant or to the hostess). Then select the type of delivery for the order. Click here to go to the next step. This will bring you to the next page and will automatically save the order in the Pending Orders section. NOTE: If you navigate to another section, this order will still be saved in the pending orders section. If you log out, close the browser, or go to another URL without saving first, this order will not be saved.
14 Step 2 – Order Type Create a name to help you identify this order. Select the type of order. You might be asked additional information depending on which option you choose. These questions will appear in a new window in which you will fill in the appropriate information and click OK. The PO # is automatically created and does not need to be edited. Enter the date of the party in MM/DD/YYYY format. This information might need to be filled out depending on the type of order you choose… along with this information. Click here to go to the next step. This will bring you to the next page and will automatically save the updates. You can also click here and skip to any step.
15 The books will appear here, sorted according to the criteria selected here. Step 3 – Select Books Select books by clicking on the Add link. Once a book is selected, it is added to this list. Select the first letter of the book you are looking for... This dropdown restricts which types of books are displayed. or search for a book here. Repeat this process for each of the different type of book selections. Click here to go to the next step. This will bring you to the next page and will automatically save the updates. You can turn this option on and create receipts for your customers. Doing this pops up the following window prompting you for customer information. Fill out this information and click OK. Now you can add books on the receipt of the customer selected. You can also add, edit, or delete additional customers for which you want receipts.
16 Step 4 – Summary When you are done reviewing your order, click here to go to the next step. This will bring you to the next page. The summary of your order appears here. Scroll through the page and review your order.
17 Step 5 – Payment Summary When you are done reviewing your order, click here to go to the next step. This will bring you to the next page. This is where you apply the consultant and customer payments. Enter your credit card information in order to process the order. Click here to add a new customer credit card payment. The following window will appear. Click here to add non-credit card customer payments. This is for expense tracking purposes only. Fill out the information and click the Add New Payment button.
18 Step 6 – Final Review Click the Review Order button to have your order reviewed for mistakes. The following page will appear once the review is complete. Once your order is processed, you will be given a reference number that you can use to identify your order in the Order Manager section. You can click here to have your expenses automatically posted to the ledger. The following page will appear. Once the order is reviewed and complete, click on the Submit Order button to process it. The following page will appear. If there were errors, then a window with the errors listed would appear and you would have to go back to the various sections to correct them. Now you can see these expenses in the Expense Manager section.
19 Using the Contact Manager The Contact Manager helps you manage and maintain your contacts Contact information for customers, other team members, etc. can be stored here Notes can be added in order to manage a contact history Adding contacts also helps streamline the ordering process All data is backed up on servers
20 Using the Contact Manager Click on the Contact Manager icon. This will take you to the Contact Manager section. Contacts who’s last name begins with the letter selected here, will appear in this section. Contacts can be viewed in detail or opened up for editing by clicking on the checkbox here… and then by clicking Open Contact. To add a new contact, click New Contact. You can also select all the contacts by clicking on the Select All link or deselect all by clicking on the Deselect All link. Once you have contacts selected, you can print them by clicking on the Print link.
21 Add a New Contact Enter the information for your contact. More contact types can be added – this will be covered later. To add business contact information, click on the Business tab. At any point you can click Save to save your contact information. Doing so will give you a confirmation and will bring you back to the Contact Manager section. You can also reset the fields on this page by clicking on Reset Values.
22 Add Business Information Enter the business information for the new contact. If you are done entering contact information, then click Save before going to any other section. Click here to add additional contact information.
23 Add Additional Information Enter the following information if possible. This information is not needed in order to create a new contact, but can help with business. If you are done entering contact information, then click Save before going to any other section. Click here to add notes about your contact or communications you have had with your contact. Information about a contact’s children can be stored here. To add a child, click the Child button here. A new row will get added here. Click in the first cell in the First Name column and start typing. Click the Tab button to navigate to the next cell to enter information, or use the mouse to click on the cells where you want to enter information.
24 Add Contact Relations Information Add contact notes by clicking on the Contact Record button. If you are done entering contact information, then click Save before going to any other section. A new row will get added here. The date will automatically fill in with today’s date. Click on the cell to change the date. Use the Tab button or click on the cell in the Notes column to add a note. At any point you can delete the contact by selecting the Delete link. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the contact. Doing so will completely remove the contact from the database and you will not be able to retrieve the contact information.
25 Contact Added Confirmation Click the Close Window link to return to OrderPro. Once you are done adding your contact information and have clicked save, a confirmation will be displayed in a separate window.
26 Adding/Editing Contact Types You can add or delete contact types by clicking on the Contact Types link. This will bring you to the Contact Types section. The following page will appear. New contact types can be added by clicking here… or here. Contact types can be selected by clicking in the checkbox… and deleted by clicking on the Delete link. You can also edit existing contact types by clicking in the cell and editing the text. Make sure you click Save if you make any changes.
27 Adding a New Contact Type or here. A new row will get added here. Click on the cell in the Type column and start typing. Name the new Type. Click the Tab button to navigate to the next cell to enter a description. When you are done entering contact types, click Save. Click here to add a new contact type…
28 Contact Type Confirmation Once you are done adding your contact types and have clicked save, a confirmation will be displayed in a separate window. Click the Close Window link to return to OrderPro.
29 Using the Expense Manager This feature helps you keep track of your income and expenses You can automatically post expenses from orders you placed All data is backed up on servers
30 Managing Expenses You can access your Expense Manager by clicking here. This will bring you to the Expense Manager page. You can sort your list of expenses by date, category, amount/value, order details, and notes… in either descending or ascending order. New expense transactions can be added by clicking here… or here. Expenses can be selected by clicking in the checkbox… and deleted by clicking on the Delete link… You can also edit existing expenses by double clicking in the cell. Make sure you click Save if you make any changes. or printed by clicking on the Print link.
31 Adding a New Expense A new expense row will be added when you click on the Expense Transaction button. The new row added will default to today’s date. You can edit all of the information by double-clicking in any cell. Doing so pops up the following window. Don’t forget to click Save when you are done editing the page. Edit the information and then click OK.
32 Expense Added Confirmation Once you are done adding/editing your expenses and have clicked save, a confirmation will be displayed in a separate window. Click the Close Window link to return to OrderPro.
33 You can add or delete expense categories by clicking on the Categories link. This will bring you to the Expense Categories section. The following page will appear. New categories can be added by clicking here… or here. Categories can be selected by clicking in the checkbox… and deleted by clicking on the Delete link. You can also edit existing categories by clicking in the cell and editing the text. Make sure you click Save if you make any changes. Adding/Editing Expense Categories
34 Expense Category Confirmation Once you are done adding/editing your categories and have clicked save, a confirmation will be displayed in a separate window. Click the Close Window link to return to OrderPro.
35 Using the Inventory Manager This feature helps you manage your inventory of books You can categorize your inventory by creating different sets All data is backed up on servers
36 Managing Inventory You can access your Inventory Manager by clicking here. This will bring you to the Inventory Manager page. This page will load with your General Inventory set selected. You can change which set is being viewed by clicking on the drop-down menu. Custom sets that you create will appear here. You can sort your inventory by Qty, ISBN, Binding, Title, Price, and Date Added … in either descending or ascending order. New inventory sets can be added by clicking here. New inventory items can be added by clicking here... or here. Inventory items can be selected by clicking in the checkbox… or printed by clicking on the Print link. and deleted by clicking on the Delete link… You can also edit existing inventory items by double clicking in the cell. Make sure you click Save if you make any changes.
37 Adding a New Inventory Item A new inventory row will be added when you click on the New Item link... The new row will appear here. You can edit all of the information by double- clicking in any cell. Doing so pops up the following window. Edit the information and then click OK. Don’t forget to click Save when you are done editing the page. or here.
38 Inventory Item Added Confirmation Once you are done adding/editing your inventory items and have clicked save, a confirmation will be displayed in a separate window. Click the Close Window link to return to OrderPro.
39 Adding/Editing Inventory Sets You can add or delete inventory sets by clicking on the Inventory Sets link. The following page will appear. New inventory sets can be added by clicking here… or here. Inventory sets can be selected by clicking in the checkbox… and deleted by clicking on the Delete link. You can also edit existing categories by double clicking in the cell and editing the text. Make sure you click Save if you make any changes.
40 Inventory Set Confirmation Once you are done adding/editing your inventory sets and have clicked save, a confirmation will be displayed in a separate window. Click the Close Window link to return to OrderPro.
41 Questions?