Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 1 Confirm Scope of Work and Description for MPWMD ASR Project Item 13 April 18, 2005 Regular Meeting Staff Contact: Henrietta Stern U/hs/ppt/2005/Brd_EIRcontractamend ppt
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 2 Board Consideration Amend contract with Jones & Stokes Associates (J&S) to coordinate NEPA with CEQA process; Refine MPWMD ASR project description and specific work tasks for the EIR. No contract amendment needed for Padre Associates, but contingency amount in current contract will need to be used.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 3 Background on EIR Scope Scoping Report provided on 2/24/05. Met 2/25/05 with U.S. Army, FORA, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks and Cal-Am regarding infrastructure coordination and NEPA compliance. Continued coordination with agencies and Cal-Am since then regarding scoping comments (3/2/05 to present).
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 4 Background on ASR Phases Phase 1 adds second injection well at the existing Santa Margarita Test Well site; entails maximum 2,022 AFY diversion from Carmel River, and maximum extraction of 1,690 AFY from Seaside Basin. Phase 2 adds second set of 2 wells at a second site (i.e., 4 wells at 2 sites) and new pipeline. Phase 3 adds third set of 2 wells (6 wells at 3 sites) plus new pipeline, pumps and wells. Maximum diversion of 7,300 AFY and maximum extraction of 6,085 AFY.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 5 Board Policy Direction at March 21, 2005 Meeting EIR should only focus on Phase 1 ASR; use information from RBF and Army (June 2005). Phases 2 and/or 3 to be assessed separately in a future EIR. Phase 1 ASR should rely on above-ground pipeline to be constructed in 2005 until roadway realignment is determined and land use is better known. EIR will evaluate alternative pipeline and well sites. Amend consultant contracts to incorporate NEPA process with Army as federal lead.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 6 Board Direction continued ASR project purpose should not be water augmentation. Alternatives should be limited to Phase 1 purpose of better managing and protecting Carmel River and Seaside Basin. The ASR project should be compatible with potential Cal-Am Coastal Water Project (CWP), but not driven by it. Certain detailed technical studies requested by commenting agencies will be done after the EIR as part of the permitting process.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 7 Changes to J&S Scope Carry out NEPA process with U.S. Army BRAC Office; prepare EIR/EA (Environmental Assessment) document. Focus only on Phase 1 ASR for project- level review. Evaluate one alternative well site, also at project-level. Assume use of pipeline constructed in Coordinate with Cal-Am re: CWP.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 8 Changes in EIR Cost Previous limit J&S limit was $135,700. New limit is $146,720, an increase of $11,020.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 9 Changes in EIR Timeline We are currently 3+ months behind; revised schedule is “aggressive but realistic;” federal timelines are not in MPWMD’s control. August 25, 2005 – Draft EIR/EA to Board (need special meeting) January 12, 2006 – Final EIR/EA done January 26, 2006 – Certify EIR, Adopt Findings and Mitigation Plan
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 10 Recommended Action Authorize staff to amend J&S contract with revised scope of work, new limit of $146,720, and revised schedule; Confirm use of contingency funds in existing Padre Associates contract.
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 11 Next Steps Initiate formal NEPA communications with U.S. Army; Continue coordination with Seaside, Army, FORA, and Cal-Am/RBF re: 2005 above-ground pipeline, ESA information, General Jim Moore realignment, new environmental information from PEA, engineering/design, etc.