Output of the project Concept Image and Identity… Output will be an evaluation of the different elements of the project and their transnational and practical benefit …including a toolkit
Toolkit Structure Toolkit should – contain guiding principles – easy to use – both inspirational and practical – be transferable – be accessible for all users – should adress both practioners and experts – be written in a logical and consistant style
Output elements Handout with principles of the toolkit „Starter Set“ with a folder with (4?) brochures and a DVD with all reports, images and lessons and the congress documentation Website „Toolkit“ with the possibility of choosing a set of articles or topics from a glossary
Toolkit Structure Handout - leaflet or folder format - should inform about the toolkit - should give a short information on the background - should contain adresses and links - should adress the main three topics
Toolkit Structure 4 Brochures (à 8 (?) pages / A4) should follow the three main topics: creating image and identity public space and streetscape legible city Political recommendations – should have an identical structure – should be a mixture of images of concrete projects and results and text – should describe in a short form the main results – should include a short scientific evaluation – should be the starter for the menue
Toolkit Structure Brochures should be packed in a folder (>A4, 4 pages), which – describes the framework and the aim of the project – gives advice how to use the toolkit – has links and adresses
Toolkit Structure DVD should – be included in the folder – contain all documents of the project – last version of the website – give an extensive scientific evaluation including the congress documentation (lectures) – video clips
Toolkit Structure Website should contain – a general introduction – the three main topics (TWTs) with good practice CRII tools concerning process steps arguments for / objections & answers experiences elsewhere pitfalls and don‘t do‘s links frequently asked questions – links – contact details
Toolkit Structure Website should – be easy to navigate – be well indexed and cross-referenced – have a logical „readable“ structure – include a shopping cart system
Toolkit Structure Editorial board – TWT-leader – project leader – University Overall responsibility and implementation – project leader
Toolkit Structure Responsibilities: Who is writing what? - general introduction (why, what, how)Erasmus – good practice CRII / local test cases common formatHagen co-ordination / consultationTWTs detailed descriptionPartner – tools examples from other websitesHagen co-ordination / consultationTWTs detailed descriptionPartner EvalationPartner – argumentsTWTs – experiences elsewhereErasmus – pitfalls and don‘t do‘sTWTs – linksTWTs – frequently asked questionsTWTs – overall co-ordinationHagen – implementation of all issues into toolkit-websiteHagen
Toolkit Structure Meetings, Seminars, Publicity Project Publication spent CRII Folder ,60 Print Work Papers900.- Interim Report / Brochure Identity Concept incl toolkit Final report ,00
Toolkit Structure Consultant Website14000,003335,00 Translation6000,00 Total51500,003752,60