Labour Market Survey LMS
Labour Market Survey LMS
Within a specified radius of the client’s geographical area, a list of employers who employ people in the client’s trade/industry, is developed. For the client, an LMS is an invaluable tool to help kick-off the job search process. LMS Labour Market Survey
The purpose of the LMS is lms The purpose of the LMS is: To provide the customer with a list of employers in the client’s geographical area that hire for specific skills that the client possesses. To provide the client with a list of employers in her/his geographical area. This provides the avenue for the client and/or consultant to conduct a job search.
Labour Market Survey The “LMS Report ” contains: LMS A list of employers, within a specified radius of the client’s …geographical area, who hire for skills that the client possesses. Employer names, addresses and phone numbers A list of employers actively searching to hire for skills that …the client possesses. Wages and Salary Job Description
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