Data Retreat® is a registered service mark of Cooperative Educational Service Agency 7, Green Bay, WI Todays Leadership for Tomorrows Results
Presented by: Jack D. Hinterlong, Ed. D., Educational Consultant Guy Todnem, Professional Development Specialist SIP... Examing Data
3 How do your students perform on academic standards?
4 Standard Results By Standard ISAT ReadingISAT Math literaryEst/NS/Comp Info SourcesAlg P/V Explicit IdeasAlg R/R InferenceGeo Concepts VocabularyGeo Relationships Measurement Data Probability Achievement Data
5 ISAT Standard Individual % Correct 1. Calculate the percentage of students who have percent correct. 2. Place this percentage on the wall table under the correct heading. 3.Create bar graphs.
7 ISAT Standard Extended Response Reading & Math 1. Calculate the percentage of students who have 3 or Place this percentage on the wall table under the correct heading. 3.Create bar graphs.
9 Standards Observations (Looking for patterns) For each column heading on the table: write a statement about the number pattern write a statement comparing 03 to 04 For the bar graph: write a statement about patterns you see.
10 What Patterns do you See? Subtest/ Standard Observations Subject:_______________ Grade: _____ Subtest/ Standard Observations Subject:_______________ Grade: _____ Achievement Data Subtest/ Standard Hypotheses Subject:_______________ Grade: _____ Subtest/ Standard Hypotheses Subject:_______________ Grade: _____
12 Hypotheses Achievement Data Hypothesis = an assumption made about the data pattern. Hypotheses Guiding Questions: 1. Why are our students performing way they are? 2. What in our systems and practices is causing our student to have these problems?
13 1.CONCERN –Student concern 2.SOURCE--Indicate data source. 3.WHEN--indicate time frame. 4.WHO--Indicate which students. 5.WHAT--Indicate which skills, which variables. 6.WHAT DIRECTION, BY HOW MUCH Report quantitative findings--in numbers! Writing Data Findings
14 Observations Examples Math is low. Math ISAT scores were lower in measurement for the past 3 yrs for 8 th grade than other subtests. Extended response low. Reading extended response scores in 3 rd and 5 th grade over the last 4 yrs are below 50% of the students M & E.
15 Situation Appraisal Module 12Student Behavior Analysis What are the most important concerns that emerged from our student data?
16 Prioritize Concerns 7 Categories of Primary Concern 1.Equity. This concern shows observed inequity in performance among groups of students. It is a concern that indicates that certain the needs of certain students are not being fully met. 2.Declining Achievement. This concern shows that that our students achievement levels in a particular subject/skill area are decreasing over time. 3.Low Achievement. This concern shows unacceptable levels of achievement in a particular skill/content area. 4.Increasing Discipline Problems. This concern shows that the number of particular discipline incidences is on the rise. 5.Low Student Satisfaction. This concern shows that students perceptions of school and learning are more negative than positive. 6.Low or Declining Attendance. This concern indicates that the absenteeism rate of your students is rising or is at unacceptable levels. 7.Low or Declining Graduation Rates. This concern shows that your students rates of graduating are decreasing or at unacceptable levels. 7 Categories of Primary Concern 1.Equity. This concern shows observed inequity in performance among groups of students. It is a concern that indicates that certain the needs of certain students are not being fully met. 2.Declining Achievement. This concern shows that that our students achievement levels in a particular subject/skill area are decreasing over time. 3.Low Achievement. This concern shows unacceptable levels of achievement in a particular skill/content area. 4.Increasing Discipline Problems. This concern shows that the number of particular discipline incidences is on the rise. 5.Low Student Satisfaction. This concern shows that students perceptions of school and learning are more negative than positive. 6.Low or Declining Attendance. This concern indicates that the absenteeism rate of your students is rising or is at unacceptable levels. 7.Low or Declining Graduation Rates. This concern shows that your students rates of graduating are decreasing or at unacceptable levels. 7
17 Priority Needs and Issues: HypothesisEvidence Reject or Accept or Investigate
18 Priority Needs and Issues: Achievement Levels in reading drop grade by grade, unitil they are at a very low levels in grades 7 & 8 HypothesisEvidence Reject or Accept or Investigate Is it because there are more special education students in these grades and they lower our scores? Reject We checked special ed enrollments, and there are not more in these grades. Also those student did not significantly impact the total schools success. Our standards are just to high. The test are just too difficult for grade 8 in reading. Reject We looked at test result nationally and in neighboring districts. Although reading performance is low in our region, our performance is particularly low compared to our neighbors. We have also studied the items and concur that the items are fair for the 8 th grade. Our reading teachers in the middle levels have not had the proper training to reach to the current reading standards. Accept We looked at the licenses, and the teachers have generalists licenses. We looked at the sequence & record of professional development activities and no reading professional development has been provided for this level by our district ever.