Back to School Night SIGSBEE CHARTER SCHOOL 2 nd Grade Conch Class
Sticky Notes On each table you will find a sticky note pad: If you have a question that I don’t answer by the end of the presentation, write it down! If there is anything you would like to tell me about your child, this is a great place to jot it down, or me at:
A Little About Ms. Wissmann Jess Wissmann Bachelors of the Arts in English Literature from USF Master Teacher certification Working on a Master’s of the Arts in Reading K-12 Seven years of teaching experience Second year at Sigsbee My teaching goal is to create a community of learners which fosters creativity, curiosity and emphasizes the importance of honoring everyone’s learning. I spent my childhood between Pompano Beach and the Florida Keys. I am an avid diver and local bee keeper. I live on Big Pine Key with my partner Josh and our two dogs. I have been teaching for more than seven years: first as a Freshman Composition Instructor at USF, then as primary teacher in CA, where I received my Master Teacher Certification, and now this is my second year at Sigsbee.
A Little About Mrs. Spellins Ashley Spellins Bachelors of the Arts in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University Holistic Health Certification Working on a Master’s of Education + Elementary Education Certification from Drexel University First year at Sigsbee I spent my childhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania before joining the USAF and moving between TX, MS, SC and now Florida You can find me studying, swimming, kayaking or walking my dogs, Cooper and Reggie, in my spare time! I put my teaching education on hold whenever I joined the military but am happy to be continuing that degree now. This is my first year working in a school!
Curriculum Our curriculum is framed around the common core standards and Sunshine State Math Standards. We have designed units of study that correlate to the common core standards for 2 nd grade.
Reading and Writing are taught through a workshop model. Instruction will begin with a whole group mini lesson. Students will participate in Reading and Writing activities through a work plan. During this time, I will confer with students one on one and in small groups. Reading Workshop/Writing Workshop
The Workplan
Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Independent Reading during individual conferences Mini Lesson Independent practice during guided reading Wrap up/share Mini Lesson Independent practice Small group lessons Independent conferences Wrap up/share Balanced Literacy
Reading and Writing Units of Study Launching Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop Elements of a Personal Narrative Personal Narrative Realistic or Fantasy? Discovering the Difference Fantasy Fiction How do Readers understand Poetry? Poetry Unit How Reader's Use Informational Texts. Informational text
Word Study Words Their Way word study program. Research demonstrates memorizing spelling lists is an ineffective way to develop solid spelling skills. During word study, the teacher works with students on word sorts, designed specifically for the student and based on assessments, helping them to understand and generalize spelling patterns. Students will also work from Handwriting with out tears practice book as needed. Vocabulary rings
Math Workshop Rocket Math Calendar Math Go Math Math Journals—problem of the day The new Sunshine State Standards emphasize the students’ ability to understand math practices conceptually, not just the ability to memorize standard algorithms.
Integration into other subjects Science Units of Study: – Inquiry & tools/Crustaceans (first 3 weeks) – Study of Universe (until October) – Study of Earth (until January) – Study of Sea (late March/early April) – Anatomy and Physiology (topical inquiry) What about Science & Social Studies?
Homework Homework is assigned every Wednesday and is due back to school the following Tuesday. Always, students should be reading or listening to books for at least 20 minutes a day. Homework consists of: Reading log each night, Math pages, Tic Tac To chart, Book Review and word study.
Schedule Please remember to have your child wear tennis shoes during PE days! The Sea Turtles go to P.E. on Mondays and Thursdays. Our Library day is Tuesday. Please help your child return their library books to school each week.
Snack, Water, Etc Bring a refillable water bottle to school Bring a HEALTHY snack to school each day! If sending in money with your child, please put it in a ziploc bag or envelope and write the child’s name, amount, and what it’s for. Birthdays can be celebrated at school with a healthy birthday snack for the class. (fruit, yogurt, cheese and crackers)
Jupiter Jupiter is used to take attendance each day. Jupiter is also used to send s to parents and discipline referrals to parents. The 2 nd grade team may also use Jupiter grades to keep track of homework completion.
Our Classroom Community RespectResponsibilityResilience We recognize that we are all unique. We help our learning partners, friends and fellow Sea Turtles remember our school rules. We can walk away from a tough situation. Fair does not mean giving everyone the same thing. We are responsible for upholding the image of our school, our classroom and ourselves. We have choices in all situations. Fair is giving everyone the tools they need to succeed. We recycle, reduce our waste and reuse supplies. We are all contributors in our classroom community.
Reporting OctoberJanuaryAprilJune ConferenceReport CardConferenceReport Card Reporting Report card- twice in the school year Unsatisfactory/Progressing/Meeting Exceeding—NO grade correlation Reading/Writing Continuum DRA GO Math assessments
Mystery Reader If you are interested in being a mystery reader, please sign up tonight or send me an of when you would like to come in. This will count towards your required volunteer hours. We will have our Mystery Reader come in on Thursdays at 2:oopm.
Volunteer Opportunities Holidays and other special occasions Field trips Making Copies (Wednesday mornings etc.) Mystery Reader Wish List Items (hours given for time it takes to procure the donated item. Garden Helper (TBA) Mentor Reader
Independent Reading and Standardized Testing Percentile Rank Minutes per day 90% % % % What is the average time America’s students read? 7 minutes per day!
How you can help your child succeed READ,READ, READ with your child EVERY night. Discuss what you have read. Predict, infer, question……. Quiz your child nightly on their addition facts! Make homework a priority, and their responsibility!
Thank You! Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! I look forward to being apart of your Questions??