By: Jordyn Freburger, Addie Kalama, Jake Kunkel, Skylar Lewis, Cassie Price, and Rebekah Riley
Harford Glen is bought by Harford County Public Schools from the army in 1948.
How has the stewardship of Harford Glen impacted it’s environment?
Turtles are not getting enough basking time due to disturbances.
Painted Turtle Musk Turtle Eastern Mud Turtle Red-bellied Turtle
To what extent does the level of disturbance effect basking turtle populations at Harford Glen?
PlayersBeliefs Mr. Eakes (director of Harford Glen) “The amount of humans that travel the trails affect the number of turtles. Also, the closer your proximity to a trail affects the number of turtles basking.” Mr. Burley (instructor at Harford Glen) “I notice that when I take students on hikes around Harford Glen in areas where there are basking turtles, that unless we are very quiet all the turtles jump in the water.” Ms. Juliane (counselor)“I believe that humans can impact where turtles bask because they have a great influence on the noise level of an area. Also, humans can create and destroy areas in which turtles bask. So, humans can impact turtles in a positive and negative way.” Question: What are your beliefs about human impact affecting basking turtles at Harford Glen?
Ms. Juliane Caughron Mr. Burley Mr. Eakes Our Players
To collect data we… 1. We observed each site for basking turtles 2. Every 15 min. we would check how many basking turtles there were 3. Kept track of disturbances 4. Continued this process every 15 minutes Note: the whole time we were out collecting data most disturbances were us taking data& observing. Also, there were classes being loud, vehicles, and other natural disturbances.
Site 1: High impact Site 2: Low impact
There is no graph for July 22, 2011 at Site 2 due to the fact that there were no turtles basking at that site Amount of turtles sighted Time
Amount of turtles sighted Time
Amount of turtles sighted Time
More turtles were found at the high impacted site than the low impacted site Low impacted site had more canopy and less basking spots High impacted site had less cover and more basking areas
The trails at Harford Glen are not used enough to greatly effect the amount of time the turtles bask Turtles bask less when high levels of disturbances occur
We will go out to the high impact area (Site1) and count how many turtles we see. Then, we will simulate it, by getting a class to walk through and see how that will impact the turtles. Also, we will make signs to represent that turtles are basking.
We would like to thank …. Mr. Chris Burley Mrs. Teal Dimitrie Ms. Megan Mr. Eric Cromwell Mrs. Mary Murray
Fun times … Memories … Jake + The Herpettes!!!
Any Questions ?