Integration of Reference Services into an Online Environment One year on. Integration of Reference Services into an Online Environment One year on. Nicole Phillips E-learning Librarian Chadstone Information Commons Nicole Phillips E-learning Librarian Chadstone Information Commons
Software Considerations The following software was considered for the trial: LSSI LivePerson Human Click The following software was considered for the trial: LSSI LivePerson Human Click
The decision was made to trial LivePerson software for six months (Jan 2002-June 2002) Cost - Approx. $7000 AUD depending on exchange rate for annual subscription (actual cost is $3750 USD per year) The subscription was renewed for a further six months (June 2002-December 2002) Subscription renewed for the full year of 2003
LivePerson Interface Staff view
LivePerson Interface Student view
LivePerson Buttons Original Button Customised Button
Marketing “ Who am I?” Institute wide competition Mass s to staff Articles in Institute news Demonstrations in information literacy classes Addition of LiveHelp button to our website pages & databases
Statistics Total Number of Chats January 2002 – July 2003
Statistics Average contact time Jan 2002 – July 2003 (in minutes)
Statistics Average wait time Jan 2002 – July 2003 (in minutes)
Exit Survey Data Did you find this service? Excellent63% Good 31% Fair2.4% Poor3.2%
Exit Survey Data Was the information sent to you? Highly relevant63% Relevant34% Not relevant3%
Exit Survey Data Would you use this service again? Yes 100% No0%
Exit Survey Data Were you using this service from: Home52% Work7% Holmesglen Campus27% Information Commons14% Other0%
Exit Survey Data Did you find this service easy to use? Yes 100% No 0%
Exit Survey Data Would you like us to you a transcript of this chat? Yes 29% No71%
Exit Survey Data Are you a ? Student60% Teacher18% Admin. staff20% Other2%
What are they asking? “i need ti identify the causes and consequences of offending behaviour in juveniles...will u be able 2assist me with any books, websites or journals which i could use” “Have u got terminator on DVD?” “hello how are ya? I was just wondering if u know any good statistic sites?” “Can I obtain an Age article dated Nov (Sun Age)?” “Hello, I am in the Standards online database and I wish to view a document but it wont come up” “How can I find the information about boomerang?” “Hello, my teacher ask me to set up a intranet . could you tell me how to set up a holmesglen address” “hi I have this book that was due today its called Commercial cookery can I renew it now or do i have to come in” “i need 2know who migrated in the 40s and 50s and why did they migrate? Australia has benefited from migration” “Hi, just wanted to know how I can renew my books over the internet” “I am looking for my past records at moorabbin tafe” “When does school holiday start in November?” EVERYTHING!
Contact Nicole Phillips Nicole Phillips