Do Now We have covered many topics in our criminal law chapter Make a list of possible criminal law topics you may find interesting to research actual court cases about Why do you think these are topics that interest you? EXPLAIN
Possible Topics:
Conclusion/Reflection Did you find a case that you feel would make for a strong case brief? Explain. What topic did you decide to research? Is this the topic you are going to choose? How does the topic relate to what we have learned in class about criminal law? What was your most significant learning today? Explain.
Do Now What are the issues in the case you have selected for your research? Why do you think it is most effective to state your issues in the form of a question? Who will be answering that question?
Today’s Assignment Continue your criminal law case research Use only original documents, not articles, wikis, blogs, etc… as your primary source of research Make sure to properly site your case Try this site: for assistance!
Conclusion/Reflection What did you research today about your case that can assist you in your case brief writing? Did you change anything in your project, such as topic, case etc…? Briefly describe your progress on your case brief research/writing.
Do Now Describe the difference between a court’s holding and rationale Explain why these two concepts must be separated in the writing of your case brief assignment
Today’s Assignment Continue your criminal law case research Continue writing your case briefs Be sure to refer to the Case Brief Directions PowerPoint located on my site, Use proper grammar and formatting
Conclusion/Reflection What did you research today about your case that can assist you in your case brief writing? Did you change anything in your project, such as topic, case etc…? Briefly describe your progress on your case brief research/writing.
Do Now What is a separate opinion in a case? What types of cases are separate opinions written for? Under what circumstances would a justice write a separate opinion? Explain.
Today’s Assignment Continue your criminal law case research Continue writing your case briefs Be sure to refer to the Case Brief Directions PowerPoint located on my site, Use proper grammar and formatting
Conclusion/Reflection What did you research today about your case that can assist you in your case brief writing? Did you change anything in your project, such as topic, case etc…? Briefly describe your progress on your case brief research/writing.
Do Now Briefly state your case summary, and then provide a short analysis of it Does your partner agree/disagree with your analysis? Explain why or why not.
Today’s Assignment Complete, print and submit your CASE BRIEF Include a cover page with your names, the case title, and an image related to the case Complete a self-reflection (forms available on my website), print and hand in
Conclusion/Self-reflection What was your most significant learning from this project? Explain. How involved were you in the project? Explain. What did you do best? Explain What do you think you could have improved. Be specific with a solution for improvement.