Yearly Update & Budget Proposal
Focus Experimental Learning Holistic Development of children Organic Farming Social & Environmental Awareness
Brief History School Started in 2000 in Nagarkoodal village of Dharmapuri Dist. Supported by Asha since 2002 106 children, 7 teachers Past disbursal > Rs. 8,00,000 > Rs. 8,07,401 > Rs. 8,36,120
Updates for New Curriculum QED grant Partial deployment Follow-up on students’ progress 2 students from first batch are back as hostel wardens students who passed 8 th grade are fairing well in mainstream schools
Updates (contd..) Educational tours Children from Nataraj Gurukul in Darjeeling visited Puvidham; toured Madurai,Kanyakumari, a sanctuary, a dam and a fall with 5 th & 6 th grade students 8 children went to Darjeeling with 2 teachers Children from La Parle school in Edmonton, Canada have started friendship with children at Puvidham
Updates (contd..) RTI awareness camp with the help from Operation 5 th Piller Planted 150 trees within the hostel premises Yoga classes for teachers Two teachers went to a storytelling workshop More details on the project page…
Concerns from Site visit Teaching methodology Teacher Training Children’s ability to speak English Occasional beating of kids
Budget Asha SV Asha London Local Organizations Individual Donations
Appendix A [a] I remember that Puvidham collects a nominal fees from all students who come to the school as school fees and also hostel students for hostel fees. I see that in the budget only nominal hostel fees are included. OUR AVERAGE FEE FOR THE DAY SCHOLAR IS AROUND 80/ RS/MONTH. We have around 36 day Rs FOR THE HOSTEL THE AVERAGE FEE IS 200/RS/MONTH. We have around 60 hostel 200X12X60=Rs The fees mentioned in the budget proposal is only the hostel fees. This is all the fees we are able to collect from the students and there are fees records if you would like to see, We can send you a copy of the ledger.
Contd… [b] Budget line item Nutrition under school - can you please remind me what the nutrition is provided? GREEN GRAM SPROUTS AND SPIRULINA. green gram kg. We need 3 kg of green gram every day 3X20X10x70=42,000Rs annually. We also provide Ragi every morning at 11 am. The money for the biscuits comes from the NCLP program. [c] Textbooks under school - can text books be reused? Text books are being reused for the past three year. But the work books and work sheets need to be bought new or xeroxed every year. Work books are used from the first level to the eighth. The other major expense that comes under this head is painting and drawing material. last year we received notebooks from local donors so our expenses were minimal.
Contd… [d] Nutrition supplements under Hostel - can you please remind what nutrition supplement is provided? This includes a special flour for kanji made from wheat sprouts, green gram sprouts, ground nuts, roasted red gram and sesame. This flour costs us about RS 70/Kg. EVERY DAY WE USE 1KG OF THE FLOUR. 70 x 12 x 30=RS.21000/year. They are given snacks like biscuits and muruku or mixture every Saturday and Sunday. [e] Misc expense under administrative costs - can you please explain what this line item is? Brooms, Tea & Snacks for teachers everyday, vegetable seeds for farming experiment, uniform stitching ( Cloth was provides by a local donor) [f] Education trips under school - can you please tell what kind of education trips happen and what you have in mind for ? The previous year's annual reports will give you an idea of the educational tours. We plan to take the children to Kanyakumari via Kutraalam falls, Mundandurai sanctury. The younger children will be taken to an old fort near Hosur as a day trip.