DIVISION MEETING 8/13/10 Natural Sciences Division
Agenda Intro/NSW…………………………(5 min) New President Rajen Vurdien…..(10 min) Announcements………(5 min) New Science Building …………...(15 min) Budget …………………………….(20 min)
Intro NSW is archived at: And the Division Page is at: m
Announcements/Updates Welcome to Colleen Kvaska ! TBD
New Science Building New Interim VP: Larry Mercadante (“Merc”) Move Coordinator: Larry McLaughlin Move Org Meeting: 10/7/10 Status of Move New Science Building Public Celebration Friday, March 25, pm – 9 pm
New 400 Building Proposed Building Opening Celebration – March, 2011 (Fri evening?) Public evening event; Building Tours Scheduled & Continuous Demos, etc… Expect hundreds of visitors, inc children NS’s Invitation to the Community to “Come enjoy science with us.” Please do: 1)Consider if you would like to open your lab to the public… 2)Makes lists of outstanding NS alumni we might invite.
Budget FC Budget – Reserves exist… Extended Day Budget Anatomy Thefts NS Budget
CMA of London, England lists CA in world’s top 10 country/entities likely to default: CPD (%) 1) Venezuela ) Greece ) Pakistan ) Iceland ) California CA is in Serious Financial Crisis
US “visibly sliding toward deflation” Paul Krugman "The U.S. is closer to a Japanese-style outcome today than at any time in recent history," St. Louis Fed President James Bullard US Recovery has Slowed …
Total Annual Cost ~ $ 13,000 For Spring, 2010 Mail Room $ 4285 NS Room $ 2951; 215,000 sheets Cost of Paper: 0.68 cents/sheet Cost of Mail Room copies: 2.5 cents/sheet Cost of NS Room copies: 1.4 cents/sheet Aging NS Machines a key factor… Paper Financials
2 Phase Approach I.In Short-Term, Reduce Paper Use II.Conserve Paper … Evaluate your use of Paper and implement reductions where possible Summary