The 10th anniversary ECR Europe conference & marketplace Evaluation
Number of delegates ParisBrussels Full Paying Variable Fee0198 exempt Students/visitors13590 total ( 2649 )
« EXEMPT « SPEAKERS : + 58 ( incl. GLP) Exhibitors : –Metro and visitors ( > 100) – More income Marketplace and sponsoring Press : - 20, but more and high quality attendance
BY TYPE OF COMPANY Brussels 2004Paris 2005 Association Consultant FMCG manufacturer IT solutions provider Logistic provider 4862 Marketing/consumer research 4552 Materials supplier 736 Other Retailer / wholesaler University 22167
Berlin 2003Bruxelles 2004 Palais des Congrès 2005 France Germany United Kingdom Netherlands Italy Finland Belgium United States Sweden Spain
Switzerland Greece Portugal Norway Japan Austria Poland
BerlinBrusselsParis Unilever METRO Kraft l'Oréal Coca Cola Gillette Procter & Gamble51 58 GS HEINEKEN Colgate Palmolive HENKEL ACCENTURE Nestle Danone J&J CapGemini CARREFOUR81625 CHECKPOINT25023
378 respondants 4=excellent, 1 = Very poor AVG 0N 4 To what extend did the conference meet your expectations? Please give us your rating on the conference catering Please assess the overall standard of the conference organisation Quality of audio visual support 3.4=
average 1-5 Respon- dants To what extent did the conference meet your expectations?3,7377 Conference organisation4,2456 Audiovisual support4,2370 Catering3,8373 Retail Tour2,563
Plenary 1. The case for ECR ECR visions from Carrefour and Danone Jose Luis Duran, Carrefour & Franck Riboud, Danone The ECR research results (IBM & Academic Partnership) Case study L’Oréal/Asda
Plenary 2. Joint value creation Introduction and setting the scene for joint value creation Hans Joachim Körber and Thony Ruys Consumer trends Martin Sorell, WPP Case: Coca Cola - Monoprix CEO interviews Lee Scott, Bruno Bich moderator: Feargal Quinn
Plenary 3. Driving efficiency and effectiveness How to unlock value: L inking Joint value creation and driving efficiency and effectiveness -> joint business planning Roger Deromedi, Kraft Value chain efficiency and sales growth are linked Tesco - Gillette Demand side case Système U – Bel France Collaboration along the entire value chain Metro – Procter & Gamble Professional relations E.Toja
Plenary 4. The changing landscape Responding to discount: a new business model for food retailers Coca Cola Retail Research Council CEO Panel –Moderator: Bob Johansen, IFTF –Terry Leahy, Tesco –Patrick Rabain, L’Oréal –Rudy Provoost, Philips
26 April 2005 DAY 0 time Starter seminars Category Management in a low data environment (Accenture) Use the ECR scorecard to benchmark and improve your performance (GCI) Get your basics right: Global Data Synchronisation (GCI) Get the most out of communication standards upstream (GS1) How SMEs are successfully implementing ECR concepts (ECR France)
Overview break out sessions Break out sessions 1 Bringing demand side implementation to the shop floor (ECR France) Collaboratively improving supply side efficiencies (CapGemini) Unlock the upstream potential of your supply chain! (GCI) High performance retailing (Accenture) C-CRM (project team) The case for ECR (IBM/Acade mic partnership) Breakout sessions 2 Joint value creation beyond price (ECR consumer value project) How lean consumption can transform retailing and supply chains (D. Jones and J. Womack) Value Creation through Joint Packaging Development (KMPG) Does growth depend on price? (The Store) Value Chain Governance in the Consumer Goods Industry of tomorrow (AT Kearney) breakout sessions 3 Getting more out of new product introductions (IBM/Academic Partnership) Delivering consumer satisfaction through effective shrinkage management (ECR shrinkage team) The tag is on! RFID/EPC in practice (GCI) Professional trading relationships On Shelf Availability Improved (Kraft) Students
MARKETPLACE 60 + exhibitors ( + national Initiatives ) sqm > 1,5 mln € income MP+ sponsoring (+0,4) METRO and partners : 1000 sq m Very difficult ‘ logistics ‘ and management pull out 750 sqm GS1
Innovations in Paris (1) Networking cards National initiatives stand ( but manning ?!) Feed back forms and web questionaire ‘picnic ‘ lunches and plateaux Students Grand apéritif Screen technology ( but same old powerpoints )
Innovations in Paris(2) Speaker diner New press approach Pricing : host country + SME + retailers Translation and french presentations Special package for Japanese Prebooked limos Lists of delegates on web
Innovations in Paris(3) Preview magazine and collaboration supply chain magazine Paid advertising as test in Italy Possibility to accept/refuse to receive sponsor mails Sponsored tables at lunch
Retail tours Should be 100 % host country management and responsability Every bus = accompanying local manager Avoid complexity ( Paris : small groups + limit on «number of visits = stores * 4 ! ) Add general introduction session
Potential improvements Copies or abstracts of the presentations Feedback on breakouts on web Rethink badges and focus on perfect registration logistics Exhibitor briefs should to become satelite symposia faster update of programme on web
A new template ( ? ) Day 1 (0) –Free for all ( attract host country participants ) Pre registered –GLP sessions –Starter seminars and special student seminar –Satellite symposia ( on invitation by sponsors and exhibitors ) –Background presentation on retailing in Sweden followed by Retail Tour –ECR Sweden for Swedes –Opening plenary session ( 30’ ) followed by Apéritif –Company events ( Unilever etc ) at their stand for their management
pricing Maintain 1100 € host country Maintain early bird ( - 1OO € ) Increase price by 50 € ( but 50 € discount for credit card registration ) maintain ‘ symbolic ‘ price for students ( cap at 100)
Communication Abandon first announcement on paper Use Conference newsletter as an announcement for the next conference Invest heavily in web based announcements ( and make it sponsored ) Deals with in-house company magazines
Stockholm Rooms : 2000 ; 400 ; 200 *2 ; 90 * 2 –Build 600 room ? plenary to be used as B O Ideal setting for Marketplace; no Future Store, but GS1, Accenture, Checkpoint etc announced bigger space City of Stockholm invitation for buffet Avoid all complexity : cost of personnel Budget made on 2300 participants ( excl free day 0 ) + MP 4500 sqm + sponsoring=
After stockholm Milano New Fiera 2007 London Excel or Vienna 2008