every student. every classroom. every day. Re-establishing Community and Stakeholder Relationships After State Receivership Jody London, Director, Board of Education Tony Smith, Superintendent October 21, 2010 Presented at the Annual Conference of the Council of Great Cities Schools
2 Today’s Presentation Re-establish communication channels with the public and restore public trust in Oakland Unified Enhance relationships with other elected officials, particularly State and Federal delegations Create opportunities for the community to participate with the Board and newly hired Superintendent
3 Oakland Overview 95 sites; 114 schools; 37,000 students State receivership: Board’s first action: hire a Superintendent, Dr. Tony Smith Most improved large urban district on State tests six years running Debt before receivership: $35 million Debt after receivership: $100 million
4 Goals for Communication Strategy 1.Establish education as a citywide priority and consensus for OUSD’s goals 2.Position the current education funding crisis as an opportunity to remake OUSD as a school district equal to the challenges of the 21st Century 3.Develop momentum and implementation plan for “community schools” Strategic Plan 4.Build cross-agency partnerships that can facilitate implementation 5.Secure funding from various channels to finance the reinvention of OUSD 6.Change (for the better) community perceptions of Oakland public schools 7.Earn recognition for Oakland’s role as a leader in school reform 8.Create a mechanism for continuous evaluation and process improvement
5 Communications SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknesses Improved media relations in Growing proficiency in proactive communications Shallow reach within district organization and community Lack of resources/capacity OpportunitiesThreats Expansion of communications infrastructure through new technologies Leverage community partners for grassroots campaigns New vision creates need to build common understanding of organizational goals and strategy Contentious labor negotiations could drown out message Diminishing financial and personnel resources threaten proactive capacity
6 Re-establish Communication Channels Community Engagement Process Board “Town Hall” meetings – in , each of the 7 directors held at least one, using same information Surveys on budget priorities, parental choices Initial funding support from philanthropy Improve Quality of Information Financial information simplified, presented comprehensively on regular basis in simple language
7 Re-establish Communication Channels Communication Strategy Re-brand OUSD as an open, community-oriented organization dedicated to service Increase frequency and quality of communications: weekly newsletter, staff notes newsletter, District-wide calendar in online and e-newsletter Revamp web site Increase ratio of pro-active to re-active communications Develop two-way communications capacity
8 Enhance Relationships with Other Elected Officials One-on-one visits Invitations to update the School Board Collaboration on grants Partnership on committees that support core goals Tours of schools
9 Create Opportunities for Community Participation Public forum during process of hiring Superintendent, with significant student leadership Superintendent’s “introduction and listening” campaign Roving Board meetings in every district Expanded role of localized education groups – i.e., West Oakland Education Task Force – into formal partnership with District Task forces to support newly adopted Strategic Plan
10 Bottom Line Lessons: Re-establishing relationships is an ongoing process The program and process can always be improved More community input and involvement = broader support In : Enrollment greater than projections Test scores up Achievement gap still persists Community excitement about “Community Schools” plan