Medicaid and SCHIP and Child Health Group V
Problem Statement Health insurance leads to improved outcomes for children. Children from many low income families do not have health insurance. 5 million children are served by SCHIP. 3 million more could be on SCHIP. SCHIP will expire in 2007.
Background and Rationale Since 1997, SCHIP was implemented to expand insurance coverage to more low income American children. To ensure that SCHIP is reauthorized for those 5 million children and expand it to the remaining 3+ million children who are eligible but lack health insurance.
Features Reauthorize SCHIP for another 10 yrs Maintain federal/state partnership Increase annual allocation from $5 billion/yr, indexing to CPI Instruct CMS to build in quality measurements and public reporting requirements Mandate that new waivers not cover childless adults Establish a bipartisan commission including stakeholders to reevaluate formula for distributing grants and redistributing unused funds Encourage demo projects to enhance enrollment
Stakeholders Who will support this plan? –Children, families, their advocates –State and county government and officials NGA, NASHPE –Health providers and hospitals –Organizations representing providers: Am Acad of Peds, Am Nurses Assoc, Nat’l Assoc of Children’s Hospitals, etc Who will oppose it? –Budget hawks –People who think that plan’s been expanded inappropriately/want to make sure that limit plan to original beneficiaries Support unclear –State and county government and officials –Employers (Walmart) –PhARMA –Private health insurance companies –State and federal taxpayers (individuals and associations)
Strategy 1 Coalition Building Family and consumer advocacy groups Health professionals State organizations: NGA Business: Insurance, Associations Potential lead organization: American Academy of Pediatrics
Strategy 2 Find champions- –Senate: Hatch, Rockefeller, Kennedy (originators of legislation) Baucus, Grassley of Finance –House: Ways and Means- Clay Shaw (R) Energy and Commerce –State –Local Coalition Building
Strategy 3 Mobilize support –Develop talking points/consistent message –Organize briefings –Visits to Hill and Local offices Renewed coverage for underinsured children