Literary Genres
How do I identify a genre by its characteristics? Essential Question How do I identify a genre by its characteristics?
What is a literary genre? A genre is a particular style or type of writing.
Major Genres Fiction Non-Fiction Writing that tells about imaginary people and events Non-Fiction Writing that tells about real people and events
uses figurative language to create vivid pictures in the reader’s mind Poetry Fiction AND Non-fiction lines of poetry (verses) are written in stanzas uses figurative language to create vivid pictures in the reader’s mind
Historical Fiction Fiction Stories centered around the basis of a partially historical event A novel set in a historical time period
Realistic Fiction Fiction The setting is realistic The characters speak and act like real people The story describes real-life problems and events
Fable Fiction Actions are repeated over and over Some fables teach a lesson about what is important in life, such as fairness, kindness, or cleverness
Folk Tale Fiction Tells a fictional story to explain an animals behavior
Tall Tale Fiction Extraordinary person - the main character is better at things than an ordinary person Exaggeration – makes something greater or bigger than it really could be Explanation – explains how something came to be
Science Fiction Fiction Stories that often tell about science and technology in the future Setting: Future Space Different universe/world
MYSTERY Fiction/Non-Fiction Solving a puzzling event Solving a crime Centered around a person who investigates.
FANTASY / FAIRY TALES Fiction Talking animals Magical powers Mythical Creatures
Biography Nonfiction Story about a real person’s life that is written by another person Can cover a person’s whole life, part of a person’s life, or a single incident A true account of a person’s life based on facts collected by the author Written from the third person point of view (he or she)
Auto-Biography/Memoir Non-Fiction A story YOU write about YOURSELF or YOUR life story.
Information/Resource Non-Fiction A book you use to research facts or information.