Vocational, Career and Technical Education Professional Conference Anchorage School District
International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Richard D. Jones
Hebrew proverb Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.
Personality Quiz
New York
Challenges to CTE Accelerating Technology Economic Upheaval Dealing with High-Stakes Accountability Student Change
Challenges to CTE Accelerating Technology Economic Upheaval Dealing with High-Stakes Accountability Student Change
Information Technology Processing Power Bugging the World Communications
Number Crunching Moore’s Law
Number Crunching Gates’ Law
Smart Orb
Projection Keyboard
Information Technology Processing Power Bugging the World Communications
Information Technology Processing Power Bugging the World Communications
Bio Technology Medical Agriculture
Ruth Fresmon, The New York Times
Bio Technology Medical Agriculture Ethical ??
Nano Technology Atom Up
Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2000
2003 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech
2008 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech
Mommy, this string doesn’t work, do you have any fiber optic cable?
Challenges to CTE Accelerating Technology Economic Upheaval Dealing with High-Stakes Accountability Student Change
Employment 1970’s High Skill Low Skill
Employment 1990’s High Skill Low Skill Semi Skill
Employment 2010 High Skill Low Skill Semi Skill
1970’s 1990’s 2010
Challenges to CTE Accelerating Technology Economic Upheaval Dealing with High- Stakes Accountability Student Change
Problem with High Stakes Testing Single Measures Immature Tests Conflicting Purposes Mismatch with Teaching
Challenges to CTE Accelerating Technology Economic Upheaval Dealing with High-Stakes Accountability Student Change
Minority vs. Majority Hispanic12% to 25% (2025) Ph.D Science and Engineering –33% Asian, 2% African-American 1% Hispanic
Gender Gap Special Education 70 % 30 % MaleFemale 4 Year College Degree 43 % 57 % Master’s 42 % 58 %
Gender Gap Attention Deficit4 Times Greater Drop Out30 % More Likely Violent Crime85 % More Likely Suicide6 Times as Likely Boy vs. Girl
Challenges to CTE Accelerating Technology Economic Upheaval Dealing with High-Stakes Accountability Student Change
Your Reaction?????
Margaret Mead Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Successful School Response
Components of Successful School Reform 1.Create a culture that embraces a rigorous and relevant curriculum 2.Set high expectations that are monitored for student’s continuous improvement 3.Use data to provide clear unwavering focus 4.Provide students real-world applications 5.Create multiple pathways to rigor and relevance
Components of Successful School Reform 1.Create a culture that embraces a rigorous and relevant curriculum 2.Set high expectations that are monitored for student’s continuous improvement 3.Use data to provide clear unwavering focus 4.Provide students real-world applications 5.Create multiple pathways to rigor and relevance
Components of Successful School Reform 6. Create a framework to organize curriculum that drives instruction 7.Sustained professional development that is focused 8.Obtain and leverage parent and community involvement 9.Maintain safe and orderly schools. 10.Offer effective leadership development.
Relevance My only skill is taking tests.
All Students
Rigor Relevance All students
1.Awareness 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation Knowledge Taxonomy Knowledge Taxonomy
Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations
12345 Application Knowledge Rigor/Relevance Framework
KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework
Teaching VS. Learning
Rigor Relevance All students
The status quo is not an option
CTE- What doesn’t change External standards Focus on total student needs Learn through application Not limited to classroom/lab Connection with community
Myths of CTE 1.CTE is separate 2.CTE is lower level 3.CTE is for some students
Myths of CTE 1.CTE is separate 2.CTE is lower level 3.CTE is for some students
Coping With State Standards
Needed Time McREL 15,465 Hours Available Time 9,042Hours
Teachers struggling to teach an overloaded curriculum!
Teaching VS. Standards
International Center for Leadership in Education Curriculum Survey
Career and Technical Education North Carolina English Language Arts Strand Skill Continuum English 1 EXCERPT National Rank N.C. End-of- Course Test Ag Production Ag Mechanics Ag Services Draft- ing Construc- tion 1.1 The learner will apply PREPARATION strategies to comprehend or convey experiences and information. E9 E17 E18 E34 HHHHHH 1.2 The learner will apply ENGAGEMENT strategies to comprehend or convey experiences and information. E5 E9 E13 E20 E21 LMMHMM 1.3 The learner will apply RESPONSE strategies to comprehend or convey experiences and information. E9 E13 E18 E24 MMMHMM Competency Goal 4: The learner will use language for aesthetic and personal response. E20 E31 E34 LLLMLL
Myths of CTE 1.CTE is separate 2.CTE is lower level 3.CTE is for some students
Lexile Framework Independent measure Independent measure 200 to to 2000 Books, Tests, Students Books, Tests, Students
Reading Requirements Findings Reading is important Reading is important Reading for employment is the highest Reading for employment is the highest
Lexile Literature On Ancient Medicine The Scarlet Letter Brown vs. Board of Ed War and Peace Pride and Prejudice Black Beauty Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders The Adventures of Pinocchio Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery A Baby Sister for Frances The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth Frog and Toad are Friends Clifford’s Manners
Personal Use Aetna Health Care Form 1360 Medical Insurance Benefit Book 1280 Application for Student Loan1270 Federal Tax Form W Installing Your Child Safety Seat1170 Microsoft Windows User Manual 1150 G.M. Protection Plan 1150 CD DVD Player Instructions 1080
Newspapers Reuters 1440 NY Times 1380 Washington Post 1350 Wall Street Journal1320 Chicago Tribune 1310 Associated Press 1310 USA Today 1200
Reading Instruction K Learn to Read Read to Learn Reading in the Content Area
Reading Comparison
Reading Requirements Research Ag/Natural Resources 1510 Transportation/Distr./Log Architecture/Construction 1350 Manufacturing 1330 Retail/Wholesale 1320 Business and Admin.1300 Law/Public Safety1300 Scientific Research/Engr Arts/AV Tech/Comm Health Services 1200 Human Services 1140 Information Tech 1100
Myths of CTE 1.CTE is separate 2.CTE is lower level 3.CTE is for some students
Willard Wirtz There aren’t two worlds -- education and work, there is one world -- life
In schools the status quo persists!
New SAT More Application New Writing Section Expand Critical Reading for Information More Achievement Base on three years of Math Higher Level Math Skills Less Aptitude Eliminate analogies Eliminate simple math reasoning
NYS Math A Question June 2003
Myths of CTE 1.CTE is separate 2.CTE is lower level 3.CTE is for some students
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals
Look into the future through the eyes of a child?
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning
Sometimes, I feel like I know less today than I did yesterday.
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning Share with others
Are you still making all of the decisions?
Staying on the Cutting Edge Recognize the need for change Focus on the real goals Keep yourself learning Share with others Don’t follow others blindly
Lovers never send form letters.
Further Information
Keeping Balance in Your Life