Amelia and Eleanor Go For a Ride Written by Pam Munoz RyanPam Munoz Ryan Pictures by Brian Selnick Compiled by: Terry Sams PESTerry Sams Melissa Guinn Melissa Guinn PES
Study Skills Genre: Historical fiction Comprehension Skill: Sequence Comprehension Strategy: Story Structure Comprehension Review Skill: Draw Conclusions Vocabulary: Context Clues
Summary One evening, Eleanor Roosevelt asks her friend Amelia Earhart to dinner. In the middle of the dinner, these two brave and daring friends decide to take a ride in an airplane to see the city lights. Even after their exhilarating flight, they have enough excitement left in them to take a fast spin in Eleanor’s new car. It proves to be a memorable evening for the two friends.
Genre: Historical Fiction Historical fiction is set in the past. The characters may be based on real people who lived at that time. Think about which characters are based on real people as you read.
Comprehension Skill Sequence TE 581b Sequence means the order in which things happen. Clue words: first, next, then and last. Pay close attention to dates and times the author gives you.
Comprehension Skill Sequence TE 581b Notice that some events happen simultaneously, or at the same time. Sequence can also mean the steps we follow to do something.
Practice Sequence PB In 1958 Emily… Rides in an airplane cockpit as a teenager. 2. Emily gets trained… As a pilot and puts in 7,000 flight hours. 3. In 1961… Emily starts to teach flying to others. 4. Emily gets hired…in 1973 As a commercial pilot. 5.Emily becomes… The first female captain.
Comprehension Strategy Story Structure TE 560 Good readers use the structure of an article or story to help them understand what they are reading. Most fictional stories are arranged by the sequence of events. Chronological (time) order is sometimes important in nonfiction. Look for dates and times as well as signal words. Make a time line to keep track of what happens. Study illustrations that help you understand the sequence.
Comprehension Skill Review Draw Conclusions TE 569 Draw Conclusions A conclusion is a decision you reach after thinking about what you have read. Good conclusions can be supported with facts and details from the story.
Vocabulary Strategy for Unfamiliar Words – Context Clues Pg Read the words and sentences around the unknown word. The author may give you a definition of the word. 2.If not, say what the sentence means in your own words. 3.Predict a meaning for the unknown word. 4.Try that meaning in the sentences. Does it make sense? Let’s read Amelia Earhart paying attention to how vocabulary is used on pg. 563.
Research/Study Skills Diagram/Scale Drawing TE 581l A diagram is a drawing that shows how something is made, how objects or parts relate to one another, or how something works. Diagrams use labels to identify their parts. They may also include other text to help readers understand what is shown. Some diagrams should be looked at in a certain order. Parts or steps may be identified with numbers to show the order. A scale drawing is a diagram that uses a mathematical scale. Maps are scale drawings.
Diagram/Scale Drawing PB What does this diagram show? parts of an airplane 2. What does the caption tell you? how the parts work 3. Where are the ailerons located? near the tips of the wings 4. What part is extended to provide additional lift? the flaps 5. What part is folded into the fuselage during flight? the landing gear
Diagram/Scale Drawing PB What function does the tail serve on the airplane? turns the plane left or right, and up or down 7. According to this diagram, to what are the engines connected? the fuselage 8. What part(s) of the airplane might be possible to see while sitting in a passenger seat and looking out a window? the flaps, wings, and ailerons
Diagram/Scale Drawing PB How does the diagram help you to understand the information in the caption? I am able to see what the parts look like and where they are located. It would be hard to do this without the diagram. 10.What would you have to do to make this diagram into a scale drawing? measure the parts, come up with a scale, and redraw the diagram using the measurement scale
Grammar Practice – Adverbs TE 581e An adverb tells how, when, or where something happens. An adverb can appear before or after a verb. Many adverbs that tell how something is done end in –ly. Eleanor quickly slipped into the driver’s seat.
Fun Stuff and Practice Aviation History Eleanor Roosevelt Amelia Earhart More on Eleanor Roosevelt Web Adventure Brian Selznick, Children's IllustratorBrian Selznick, Children's Illustrator PowerPoint on Eleanor
Weekly Fluency Check Tone of Voice TE 581a Just like in a conversation, good readers read to make the text more lively and to convey the author’s point of view, or feelings, about the subject. Read p. 560m to model for students.
Question of the Week TE 314m How did an adventure by two famous women break tradition?
Day 2 - Question of the Day How are Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt different from most other women of their time?
Why do you think Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt enjoyed each other’s company so much? Day 3 – Question of the Day
Day 4 – Question of the Day How were Louise Arner Boyd’s adventures like and unlike Amelia Earhart’s adventures?
Review Questions 1.What was the purpose for Amelia’s flying and Eleanor’s driving? 2.How do we know that Amelia and Eleanor knew each other prior to the dinner party? 3.What were the duties of the Secret Service men? 4.What event happened prior to Amelia coming to the White House? 5.How do we know that Eleanor trusted Amelia?
Review Questions 6. Why did the women turn the lights of the plane off the night they flew? 7.Why were the reporters gathered awaiting Eleanor and Amelia’s return? 8.What was the author’s purpose for writing the story? 9.What was the most exciting event for both Amelia and Eleanor? 10.How were these women different from other women of their time?
Vocabulary - Say It aviator brisk cockpit daring elegant outspoken solo
More Words to Know escorting miniatures determined independence military
aviator person who flies an aircraft; pilot
brisk keen; sharp; chilly
cockpit place where the pilot sits in an airplane
daring bold; fearless; courageous
elegant having or showing good taste; gracefully and richly refined; beautifully luxurious; stylish
outspoken not reserved; frank; direct
solo without a partner, teacher, alone, etc.
escorting going with another to give protection, showing honor, providing companionship
miniatures things represented on a small scale
determined firm; resolute
the condition of not being influenced by others; thinking or acting for yourself independence
military of or about armed forces of war; Navy; Air Force; Marines; Army
Amelia loved the feeling of independence when she was in the cockpit.
It was a brisk and cloudless evening.
Eleanor believed that if Amelia could fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, she could fly to Baltimore and back.
The palace had elegant furnishings.
Amelia was daring and liked to try things other women wouldn’t even consider.
Amelia Earhart was a celebrated aviator.
Eleanor Roosevelt was outspoken and determined.
In the museum, there are miniatures of several planes.
Her boyfriend was escorting her to the dance.
The military is quick to respond to terrorist attacks.
Writing Assignment Captions TE 560k Draw a picture of Amelia Earhart and her plane. Write a caption for the picture. Use as many Words to Know as possible. Exchange pictures with a partner and check that your partner has used the Words to Know correctly. Words to Know: aviator, brisk, cockpit, daring, elegant, outspoken, solo, escorting, miniatures, determined, independence, military
Spelling Words Greek Word Parts telephone biography telescope photograph microwave diameter barometer microscope headphones microphone
Spelling Words Greek Word Parts autograph microchip telegraph perimeter paragraph phonics symphony saxophone periscope megaphone
CHALLENGE stethoscope xylophone cacophony microorganism microbe
Academic Vocabulary Words gravity friction evaporation condensation precipitation
Academic Vocabulary Definitions Gravity- a force that pulls all objects toward each other Friction- a force that keeps objects that are touching each other from sliding past each other easily
Academic Vocabulary Definitions Evaporation- the process in which a liquid changes to a gas Condensation- the process by which water vapor changes from a gas to liquid Precipitation- water that falls to Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail
Daily Fix-Its Day 1 1. Have you seen this photagraph of Amelia Earhart at the controls of a airplane? 2. She is wearing goggles, and is smiling happy.
Day 1 Answers 1.Have you seen this photograph of Amelia Earhart at the controls of an airplane? 2.She is wearing goggles and is smiling happily.
Daily Fix-Its Day 2 3. A friend of mine has Eleanor Roosevelts audograph. 4. Wow. How much money is it worth!
Day 2 Answers 3.A friend of mine has Eleanor Roosevelt’s autograph. 4.Wow! How much money is it worth?
Daily Fix-Its Day 3 5. Early airplanes had double wings, the pilot sitted in an open cockpit. 6. They flewed very careful.
Day 3 Answers 5.Early airplanes had double wings, and the pilot sat in an open cockpit. 6.They flew very carefully.
Daily Fix-Its Day 4 7. Amelia Earhart was an adventurer, and he was also an expert pilet. 8. If she were alive today sh’ed probably be an astronaut.
Day 4 Answers 7.Amelia Earhart was an adventurer, and she was also an expert pilot. 8.If she were alive today, she’d probably be an astronaut.
Daily Fix-Its Day 5 9. Sal and me think this book is more good than the last one we read. 10. I’ll be gladly to learn more. About Amelia and Eleanor.
Day 5 Answers 9.Sal and I think this book is better good than the last one we read. 10.I’ll be glad to learn more about Amelia and Eleanor.
This Week’s Word Wall Words Click and type your own words for this week:
Let’s review our Spelling words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We can clap as we spell the word, or we might just practice reading the words.