Narrative Elements Lesson 6
Fiction Genres Realistic Fiction: the story is believable – it could happen to anyone. The main character often faces an emotional or psychological conflict. Fantasy: the story has one or more features not seen in our world, such as magic, time travel, or talking animals
Fiction Genres Historical Fiction: the story is set in a specific time in history. These stories sometimes include actual historical figures. Contemporary Fiction: the story takes place in today’s world
Fiction Genres Science Fiction: a type of fantasy story, set in a time or place in which technology has reshaped society in significant ways. The unusual setting often helps to highlight “human” dilemmas all the more
Fiction Genres Folktale: a traditional story handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. Types of folktales include fables, tall tales, myths, and legends Myth: a traditional story that answers basic questions about the world. Myths often try to explain such things as the Earth’s origin, things in the natural world, and humanity
Fiction Genres Tall Tale: an ordinary story that has been stretched so far that it becomes ridiculously unbelievable Other types of fiction include: humor, horror, mystery, sports fiction, action-adventure, and romance
Look For Important Details About the Characters Some author’s describe characters directly, giving details about their appearance, age, or background Others use indirect characterization, revealing what a character is like through what he or she says or does, and through the way other characters respond. A character may speak in a dialect, using unusual pronunciation or expression that are unique to a particular region
Character Clues Here are some questions to ask yourself about the characters in a story: Is this a major or a minor character? What is the character like? How does the physical description of the character relate to the character’s mental or psychological state? What does the character want most? Why? What is the main problem the character is facing? How does the character view his/her situation? What kinds of relationships does he/she have with other characters in the story? How does the character change throughout the story?
Determine What Point of View is Used in the Story First Person: tells the story through the eyes of the narrator who is part of the story. The only events in the story are those the narrator experiences Second Person: often used in practical reading materials such as: instructions, directions, and travel brochures
Determine What Point of View is Used in the Story Third Person: the narrator focuses on a single character’s thoughts and actions – the narrator is NOT part of the story Third Person Omniscient: the narrator tells the reader about the thoughts and actions of several or all of the characters – the narrator is NOT part of the story
Narrative Non-Fiction Genres Biography: An account of someone’s life written by someone other than the subject Autobiography: An account that a person writes about his or her own life Diary/Journal: Forms of autobiographical writing that gives a day-by-day account of the events and personal thoughts
Notice How the Setting Enhances the Meaning of the Story The time frame of a story is the length of time in which the story takes place. Details that describe the setting can include the year, season, time of day, weather, geographical location, landscape, kind of building, and so on.
Find the Conflict or Problem in a Scene or Story Man vs. Man: the main character (protagonist) in the story might be in conflict with another person (antagonist) Man vs. Nature: the main character is in conflict with a force of nature – weather – hurricane, tornado, earthquake, blizzards, etc. Man vs. Self: the main character is dealing with personal issues that he must overcome.
Plot Development The plot is the structure of the story’s action. Plots usually have a beginning, middle, and end. Rising Action: the stage in the story during which the conflict grows and the plot becomes more involved. Climax: the turning point when the problem must be faced once and for all Falling Action: begins to resolve the conflict Resolution: describes/explains the outcome of the action and often points to the theme
Plot Chart
Identify the Overall Mood Created by the Author A writer usually wants to tell his or her readers more than just the plot. He also tries to create a mood, a general feeling the story stimulates in the reader. By choosing descriptive language and significant details, the author’s tone helps readers understand a story and feel it too. This is the power of MOOD.
More Interesting Plot Techniques Here are some other techniques that writers use to make the story more interesting: Flashback: an interruption of the action to convey events that happened earlier. Foreshadowing: clues or hints about something that will happen later in the story.
Elements of Classic Literature Classic literature (or literature that lasts through the centuries) has three special elements that set it apart from most writing. It is timeless. The literary work is as fascinating and meaningful to readers today as it was to readers hundreds of years ago. It addresses universal themes. The experiences, thoughts, and feelings of the characters will be recognized by readers around the world. The theme of the literary work addresses the shared experiences of being human It has cross-cultural appeal. The work of literature can be appreciated by readers from many cultural backgrounds.
Classwork Read “Romeo Revisited” on page 111-113 in your FCAT workbook. Complete the questions on page 114-116. Provide the letter and answer.