FOOD HISTORY Koreans created food called ‘tang’ which is a soup and typical Korean meal would normally include rice, tang, and side dishes. CULTURE More use of spoons than Japan and China. CULTURE More use of spoons than Japan and China.
After Japan’s invasion of Korea in 1592, new type of vegetable, capsicum annuum (pepper), was introduced and soon Koreans began including it in almost every food. Koreans began favoring for more spicy food which made most of Korean food to have hot and spicy taste into it.
RAPID INVASIONS HISTORY Korean peninsula was surrounded by the great powers of Orient which made rapid invasions to take place from its warring nations including China and Japan. CULTURE War happened in everyday life and Koreans had to be cautious all the time to fight for their own life. This eventually formed Korean’s personalities to be extreme, tempered, and stubborn which led in to development of busy cities. CULTURE War happened in everyday life and Koreans had to be cautious all the time to fight for their own life. This eventually formed Korean’s personalities to be extreme, tempered, and stubborn which led in to development of busy cities.
As foreign intervention became more common, conflict in maintaining Korean nationality arose. This led Koreans to build stronger nationalism. Koreans have strong pride in their own nation. This is especially evident in 2002 Korea/Japan World Cup. Koreans formed a huge and organized cheering group and called themselves “Red Devils”
SOCIALISM HISTORY During the Korean War, many common people were betrayed from the government as it moved into near city of Busan leaving out huge number of people to North Koreans. This growing distrust toward its government led people to share socialist ideas. Soon socialism grew significantly in Korean society. CULTURE Growing socialism in Korea led to growth of collectivism and lack of individualism which contribute in developing strong and deep relationship within each community however, each community would be careless about other people’s business and act more self-centered. CULTURE Growing socialism in Korea led to growth of collectivism and lack of individualism which contribute in developing strong and deep relationship within each community however, each community would be careless about other people’s business and act more self-centered.
Organized communism led to division of labor among people and this soon strengthened ideas of equality which believed that all people should receive everything equally. Firm belief on equality brought highly competitive Korean society. People did everything they could to achieve something that all other people had.
These countless signboards that nearly cover the whole building are also result of high competition.
RELIGION HISTORY Korea’s original religious belief was based on Shamanism. Shamans in Korea were called ‘mudang’ who were believed to be a spiritual being with ability to heal, work with energies and ‘see’ visions. CULTURE Common belief in only one God between Shamanism in Korea and Christianity gave quick rise of Christianity in Korean culture. In 30 years 35% of population became Christians. CULTURE Common belief in only one God between Shamanism in Korea and Christianity gave quick rise of Christianity in Korean culture. In 30 years 35% of population became Christians.
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sources Gallery/HFC- Thumbnail/Korean%20Shamanism/Kor ean%20Shaminism%20page.htm Gallery/HFC- Thumbnail/Korean%20Shamanism/Kor ean%20Shaminism%20page.htm D6yOm3Ws D6yOm3Ws nts/kowar/kowar.htm nts/kowar/kowar.htm