Bio 121 Introductions
Please tell us your name, where you live, and why you happen to be taking this course. Then, tell us something interesting about yourself.
Important Dates Spring Break: March 17 – 21 Withdraw without signature: 3/25, 7pm Withdraw with signature: 5/14, 7pm Final Exam Schedule: May 13, 2008 ROOMS 212, 213, 214 Section MC:8-10am Section SD: 6-8pm Grades Posted on WebAdvisor: 5/17 For more dates see
Textbook: Biology, Sylvia S. Mader, ninth edition, McGraw Hill, Laboratory Manual: General Biology Laboratory Manual, R. Wayne Habermehl and Christopher Harendza, Fourth Edition, Pearson Custom Publishing, Additional Material: One spiral-bound, college-ruled, notebook for lecture notes. An additional notebook for reading and lecture note transcription. A stapler for your homework assignments. A red pen, for your homework assignments
Grading Rubric for Homework Assignments You are expected to handwrite your homework. Write out each question and answer, and tell me how many you got right and wrong (12/25, for example). Typing it up is acceptable, but your maximum score is a 4 for typed up work. Graded on a scale of 1 to 5. An ideal homework has the questions and answers written out neatly, with a score of how many right and wrong at the top (you are checking your answers in the back of the book BEFORE you write out the answer). I will keep track of your homework performance relative to your quiz performance. Be honest; it doesn’t matter how many you get right or wrong on your homework; it will inform you as to what you need to study for the quizzes (and the tests). Staple the sheets in the upper-right, put your name, the date, and the chapter that is due. If you are handing in multiple chapters at once, please do NOT staple them together.
We will have several labs this semester. I will try to give you as much warning as possible – at least 1 week prior to lab. You MUST attend labs. Make-ups are not possible, unless you can make it to another BIO 121 section doing that lab. – If you must miss a lab, you will have a make-up assignment to do for a maximum of 75% of the lab score. You are only allowed to miss one lab in this fashion. You MUST read the labs prior to the day they are performed. If you do not read the lab, you will be politely asked to leave for the day. Lab assignments are handed in the second class period they are performed on. That’s a week from the day it’s done. – Lab hand-ins will be explicitly laid out for you. Following directions is a PREREQUISITE for me spending the time to grade it. If the directions are not correctly followed, you will receive a 50% score, without me spending time grading it. – Ask questions when I go over the requirements when I am going over them. PLEASE do not lab-specific questions. I will be getting enough from lecture material.
Read the safety instructions. – No open-toes shoes. – Wear long pants – Long Hair Up. – Treat everything like it’s about to explode. Lastly, CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. I am not your mother nor your housekeeper. The classroom is to be found in EXACTLY the same condition in which we started. If you need help cleaning up something, or aren’t sure how to do it, just ask me.
Withdrawal Policies Academic Misconduct Attendance Absences Lateness Cancellations
I am going to hold you to a very high standard. You are university students, and I expect you to work like a university student for my class. – Preparedness – Attention – Conversations – Homework & Study Time – Deadlines – Questions – Notes – Aim High – Enjoy!
I have two other work responsibilities (I am a self-employed photographer and work in an inner-city charter school), but you are my #1 priority for the semester, and that will be reflected in my teaching. I will treat everyone with respect. I will create and foster an environment ideally suited to learning and thinking – which includes the ability for you to ask questions and share thoughts without judgment. I will ensure that students are given my full attention, even outside of class. Expect me to answer your s during the week within hours of you writing them. Exceptions are the weekends (although I generally answer fast anyway), and the morning between 8-11am. I will (hopefully) make class not only instructive, but enjoyable as well. You are going to learn more biology this semester than you have in your life – be prepared. I will do my best to stay on track. Tangents WILL happen, as that’s part of my style, but feel free to call me out if I’m going overboard
Your final grade will be judged by the following criteria: – Your performance on tests, quizzes, and laboratory assignements – Your ability to hand in high-quality homework assignments in a timely manner – Your attendance and participation during Q&A and labs
10% Participation* 5% Homework 10% Quizzes 15% Laboratory Assignments 40% Tests 20% Final Exam *This is a semi-quantitative summation of your attendance record, homework performance, ability to show up on time, participation during question-answer/discussion periods in class, being a proactive laboratory partner, and contributing your share to group projects.
A: <=89.50 B: % C: % D: % F: >59.49% I keep an excel spreadsheet of your grades, participation, etc. I will allow you to see this spreadsheet the week midterm grades are posted, and after the last test (and before the final exam). Otherwise, it is your responsibility to keep track of where you stand.
MCCC has a 40% attrition rate in the sciences. This is simply a result of open admission – anyone with the interest and desire can take this course. As such, statistically speaking, that means of a 25 student class, 10 or so generally pass. I am not telling you this to be discouraging – I am telling you this to ensure you walk into my class with full awareness.