Cyber Book Clubs Erica Trowbridge Oakridge Public Schools
Objectives… Promote a love of reading Inspire students to read for pleasure Teach digital citizenship Encourage students to think critically about literature & practice reading strategies Build relationships with students Create a “hub of student activity” within the library
Why online? Takes the book conversation outside of the library. Makes it easy to include parents & teachers too. Helps improve retention, understanding, & application. Teaches value of respectful & supportive dialog.
What is Collaborize Classroom? A free, collaborative education platform that is password protected Highly focused on discussion – Structured conversations – Engages students long term
Why Collaborize Classroom? Multiple question types – Yes/no – Multiple choice – Vote/suggest – Forum Real results Publishable participation reports Ease of use for both facilitator & participants
Book Club Strategies Read no more than one title a month Include students in book selection Use icebreakers to build relationships & help comfort with online discussions Group students by age level Post discussion questions weekly Organize face-to-face events to compliment online discussions
Cyber Etiquette Be open-minded Use names Compliment strong points Responsible & supportive communication Ask questions Critique content, don’t criticize
Bring Conversations into the Physical Library… Meet at the end of each month (or book) to discuss the book face-to-face Plan a fun activity related to the book Do a community service project inspired by the book Skype with the author Movie night Create book trailers Etc.
Getting Started… Advertise Ask questions Survey Set up website Sign students up
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