01/29/09For Official Use Only Perspective on Radiological/Nuclear Preparedness and Response: Roles and Capabilities
01/29/09For Official Use Only Statutory Authorities – VDEM to monitor transportation of hazardous radioactive materials and 33 – VDEM to collect for, maintain, and disburse monies from the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Fund – VDEM to administer the implementation of the Virginia Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Program (note: radioactive materials defined as hazardous materials via ) – VDEM (SC) to coordinate intelligence activities relating to terrorism with VSP (A.6) – VDH to develop programs for responding adequately to radiation emergencies and coordinate such programs with VDEM NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 – Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans
01/29/09For Official Use Only State Capability for Emergency Response and Recovery Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP) – Promulgated December 2007 –Basic Plan Volume 1 - Planning Assumptions, CONOPS, Glossary Volume 2 - ESF Annexes 1- 17
01/29/09For Official Use Only State Capability for Emergency Response and Recovery (Contd.) –Hazard-Specific Incident Annexes Volume 3 – Radiological Emergency Response – September 2010 Volume 4 – Hazardous Materials – March 2009 Volume 5 – Hurricane Preparedness – June 2009 Volume 6 – Pandemic Flu – September 2009 Volume 7 - Terrorism Consequence Management – September 2009
01/29/09For Official Use Only State Capability for Emergency Response and Recovery (Contd.) –Support Annexes Recovery Programs Hazard Mitigation Plan Financial Management Northern Virginia Evacuation Plan Mass Evacuation and Sheltering (includes Pet Plan)
01/29/09For Official Use Only Radiological Emergency Response Plan Approved as part of the COVEOP in September 2010 Provides State organization for direction and control of radiological emergency operations: –At fixed nuclear facilities (power stations) in concert with Dominion Virginia Power –Exercises and planning with Babcock and Wilcox Nuclear Operations Group –Transportation accidents involving radiological materials
01/29/09For Official Use Only Radiological Emergency Response Plan (Contd.) –Terrorist events involving radiological materials –Radiological emergencies involving Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) – Identifies VDEM, VDACS, DGS, DCLS, DCR, DOC, DEQ, DOF, DGIF, VDH, DBHS, DMA, DMV, DSS, VSP, VDOT and VCE roles in an incident
01/29/09For Official Use Only Hazardous Materials Response Plan Approved as part of the COVEOP in March 2009 Provides State organization for direction and control of hazardous materials emergency response operations: –Refers users to the RERP for issues involving radiological materials in transportation accidents
01/29/09For Official Use Only Terrorism Consequence Management Plan Approved as part of the COVEOP in September 2009 Provides State organization for direction and control of hazardous materials emergency response operations: –Addresses radiological/nuclear events in Emergency Response to Terrorism Events – Weapons of Mass Destruction section
01/29/09For Official Use Only Terrorism Consequence Management Plan (Contd.) Nuclear/Radiological Incident Tab (4) –Addresses the following issues: Acquisition of radiological materials by terrorist organizations and/or individuals during transportation Use of radiological materials by terrorist organizations/individuals through Radiological Dispersion Devices (RDDs) Use of Improvised Nuclear Devices (INDs) Incidents involving space vehicles containing radioactive materials Nuclear weapon accident or incident
01/29/09For Official Use Only Terrorism Consequence Management Plan (Contd.) Nuclear/Radiological Incident Tab (4) –Identifies VDEM, VDH(OCME/Radiological Health), VDACS, DEQ, VSP, DMV, DGIF, DOF, DOAV, DCR, ABC, and DMA (VaANG/CST) roles in incident –Identifies Federal agencies roles in designated incidents (i.e. DoD, DoE, NRC, EPA, DHS, USCG, NASA, FBI) –Identifies owner/operator role in incidents
01/29/09For Official Use Only Virginia Strategic National Stockpile Plan Provides State organization for direction and control of mass casualty operations: –Addresses delivery and distribution of 12- hour push packs of pharmaceuticals, antidotes and medical supplies Push Packs include medications for radiological incident treatment including Prussian Blue, Ca- Zn/DTPA and Potassium Iodide (KI) – Identifies VDEM, VDH, DGS, and VSP roles in event
01/29/09For Official Use Only Fatality Plan for The Chief Medical Examiner Provides State organization for direction and control of mass fatality operations: –Addresses care and handling of human remains during radiological incidents including radiological monitoring and decontamination –Identifies VDH/OCME role in event
01/29/09For Official Use Only Locality Plans Local Emergency Operations Plan (EOPs) –Radiological Annexes for select localities –Evacuation Assembly Centers (EACs) Schools –Radiological response plans
01/29/09For Official Use Only Summary VDEM is not a subject matter expert entity for the following: –Human health –Livestock and pet health –Water quality protection –Transportation pattern disruption –Law Enforcement VDEMs role to coordinate Federal, state and local partners response
01/29/09For Official Use Only Program Manager Contact Radiological Emergency Response Plan: Art Warren (Office)
01/29/09For Official Use Only Program Manager Contact Hazardous Materials Response Plan and Terrorism Consequence Management Plan: Randy Francis (Office)
01/29/09For Official Use Only Questions?
01/29/09For Official Use Only Thank You Contact Information: (Office)