Review of roles and expectations
Each role will lead a part of the discussion. The leader of the discussion will “teach” the others in the group about what you learned. The group will take notes on what was said on their own role sheets. The group will ask questions and/or discuss the topics. I will be observing for a 10 point participation grade. Directions
You should have researched different pieces of background information. Some good ideas: What did you find out about the author and his/her life? What did you find out about the time period the book is set in? What was going on historically when this book was written? What other books has the author written? Is there anything we should pay close attention to as we read? Investigator
Your job will be to turn to the page where you found the word, read the sentence to the group, and see if anyone knows the definition. If yes, share your answer too. Decide as a group what to record. If no, share your answer. Everyone will write down what you have said. Word Wizard
Your job is to read each of the possible discussion questions to the group. Then, the group should number them 1-5 in importance to discuss. 1 is most important, 5 is least. Proceed to be begin the question by asking it, then do a rotating chair, calling on each other. The Discussion Director will summarize and move on to the next question when s/he feels the question has been discussed enough. Discussion Director
Your job is to lead a discussion about the setting. Discuss each question on the sheet AND why it matters to the plot of the story. Determine if the story would be the same if it were set somewhere else. Determine if the action is mostly located in one place or if there are multiple locations. Discuss the events at each location. Travel Guide
Read each quote to the group. Rate the quotes 1-5, 1 is the most interesting, 5 is the least. Discuss each quote. Why does the author include this? Who says it? Why is it important? Have students copy three of the quotes they like. Quote Master
By the end of the discussion, students should have their entire packet filled out. Hand in ONLY the role sheets you were responsible for leading the discussion on. Be sure your name is on the role sheet. Book Club should hand in role sheets as a group. End of Discussion