In my opinion a good way to improve Martin primary school is to have a healthy snack shop. It could be in the playground and members of staff,or even year 5 and 6 pupils could volunteer, to sell fruit bars and other healthy snacks and drinks. Prices could range from 25p to £1 and could happen at break-time and at the end of the day. Not only does it encourage children to eat healthy snacks but has an positive impact on their school work and energy levels. It could make a bit money for the school and encourage responsibility for older pupils. This could help parents, giving them more time in the morning instead of having to prepare a snack. In my opinion a good way to improve Martin primary school is to have a healthy snack shop. It could be in the playground and members of staff,or even year 5 and 6 pupils could volunteer, to sell fruit bars and other healthy snacks and drinks. Prices could range from 25p to £1 and could happen at break-time and at the end of the day. Not only does it encourage children to eat healthy snacks but has an positive impact on their school work and energy levels. It could make a bit money for the school and encourage responsibility for older pupils. This could help parents, giving them more time in the morning instead of having to prepare a snack.
It would be good if martin school had a book club in the library. Everyone can join and you can talk about a book your reading. Also it would be nice if there was an indoor sports hall with basket ball and tennis court. For break and lunch we need a bit more equipment like balls,space hoppers etc.
I hope these ideas were useful