SCHOOL EVENTS Ms. Betteridge’s Classroom Buzz Landen – 1 Courtnee – 6 Vanessa – 6 John - 8 STANDARDS SCIENCE: Light and sound are forms of energy that behave in predictable ways. ELA : - Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context. Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs. Use the relationship between particular words to better understand each of the words FYI 3/4 Family Game Night 5:30-6:45 pm 3/6 Family Book Club 4-5 pm 3/10 PTC Shirt Sale 3/11 5 th Grade Farewell Meeting 3/13 Spring Pictures 3/14 PTC Shirt Sale Ends 3/18 &20 Music in Our Schools 3/21 Early Dismissal for Students 3/31 Spring Break 4/7 School Resumes 4/10 Family Book Club 4-5 pm 4/11 Report Cards 4/ th Grade OAA Testing 4/28-5/9 OAA Testing Our classroom is almost out of Kleenex! Please send a box in with your child if you can Thank you!!
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