Delivering transparency, choice and control for European citizens
Understanding OBA Self-Regulation in Europe
The need for a Self Regulatory Programme on OBA in Europe Digital advertising is under the political & regulatory spotlight Particularly the collection and use of data Legislative attempts to regulate data practices are not always proportionate (e.g. ePrivacy Directive / data protection reforms)… …and threaten the viability of many ad models, and what they deliver to brands, publishers & consumers Innovation can empower & protect consumers
Industry self-regulatory response One set of core documents for Europe based on US principles and tech specs The European Principles consist of: – IAB Europe OBA Framework – Technical Specifications for use of the OBA Icon – EASA Best Practice Recommendation on OBA
Key obligations WHAT? Main obligations for Third Party OBA WHO? Ad networks, technology providers, data providers, website operators, advertisers, agencies WHERE? EEA countries (EU + NOR, ICE and LIE) + CH + TR
« EASA + » solution
Launch of the EDAA Launched Oct Manage Self- Regulatory Programme
Supported by key stakeholders at EU and Member State level
How is it working in practice?
Delivering a pan-EU approach for citizens and business User choice and control Credible compliance and enforcement Transparency
Icon in or around the ad OBA Icon (example)
Intermediary page
Icon delivery Over 120 bn icons delivered in 2013 by EDAA’s Approved Icon Providers
15 “YourOnlineChoices” website: information & consumer control 30 countries and 25 languages Peak av. 2 million visitors / month (Q4 ’13) 90 integrated companies
Centralised control tool The user is offered more in-depth information on how OBA works The user may, based on personal choice, select one of the following options: –Everything ON –Everything OFF –Manually hand-pick (from the available 3rd parties)
Link in website footer
Compliance and enforcement
Engaging and Licensing a.Engage with EDAA to determine licence requirements (via online application form: a.Review core documents & licence agreements a.Sign and return appropriate licence(s): – 3rd party (icon) – website operator (icon) – 3rd party (YOC)
Self Certification and independent assessment of compliance Step 1: Self-Certification (6 mths) – Online form ( where companies declare compliance – info on company’s OBA policies and practices required Step 2: Independent assessment of compliance (+ 1 mth) – 4 independent providers of certification services approved by EDAA Step 3: Award of EDAA “Trust Seal” (+ 1 mth) – Trust Seal granted following 30 days ongoing monitoring
Role of national Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) « Self-Regulation needs to have teeth » SROs under umbrella of EASA – European Advertising Standards Alliance – responsible for complaints and sanctions SROs across Europe to extend their remits to include OBA (currently ‘live’ in DE, ES, FR, HU, IE, SE, UK, others to follow) Independent complaint handling at national level based on « Country of Origin » priniple EASA Cross-Border-Complaints (CBC) system to transfer complaints to competent SRO
Raising consumer awareness
Campaign creatives Launched ’13 in UK, DE, and IE 350m impressions, >103m unique 314k clicks Expected to run FI, FR, GR, HU, SE (Q2), with all other markets to follow
What’s next?
Our 2014 outlook… Increase industry awareness and participation Transition from industry commitments to compliant realities YourOnlineChoices website: continuous programme of improvements; roll out further countries; optimise mobile version; develop persistent consumer choice mechanisms Adapting the EU Principles to the mobile space Engage further with political stakeholders (new intake of MEPs and Commissioners)
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