Solid Rockets Technical Committee Education Subcommittee Report Thomas L. Moore Subcomittee Chairman 12 July 2004
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Membership NameOrganizationNew Member?Present Michel BerdoyesSnecma Fred BlomshieldNAWC WD Franck CautyONERA I-Shih ChangAerospace Corp Mike FisherJHU/CPIA Tom MooreJHU/CPIA Agostino NeriAvio Chuck SchaefferAerojet Jean ThepenierSME Gilles VigierEADS
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Short Course Solid Rocket Igniter Technology and Applications –15-16 July 2004, Marriott Marina Ft. Lauderdale –10 Presentations Aerojet (2) ATK Elkton (2) Avio CPIA NAWC WD Pacific Scientific Snecma Software & Engineering Associates (SEA), Inc. –17 paid students registered as of 9:30 am, 12 July
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Future Professional Development Recommendations: –Continue to alternate Lecture Series (one-half to full day special session) and Short Course (1½ to 2 days) on an annual basis –Schedule at Joint Propulsion Conference only –Lecture Series “Solid Rocket Motor Insulation” 2005 Joint Propulsion Conference, Tucson, AZ –Short Course “Solid Rocket Motor Health Monitoring and Reliability” 2006 Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Educational Outreach Create about 6 solid rocket science roadshow kits for show-and-tell at schools and professional meetings –Specimen bottles containing basic composite propellant ingredients or simulants AP Binder polymer Powered aluminum –Sample of inert propellant –Inert hardware Cross-sectional model of small motor and/or nozzle Igniter –General solid rocket manufacturing and test video –Posters
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July SRTC Lecture Series on CD-ROM All material received to date has been scanned to pdf SRTC leadership requested further exploration of export-control issue CPIA will seek advice from Navy Contracting Officer Representative (COR)
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Solid Rocket Fundamentals Textbook Robert Geisler study and proposal January 2003 Project agreed to in principle by SRTC January 2004 Two- to three-year project Audience –Undergraduate and graduate students –Entry level and junior engineers –Reference text for general industry Content should cover basic design principles (i.e., “Solid Rockets 101”) and practical “how-to” and best practice guidelines for the design engineer
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Textbook—The Plan Solicit high-level support from major solid rocket companies for labor required to complete 1 or 2 chapters each Assign primary responsibility for each chapter Solicit retirees and academia for remaining chapters –Provide honorarium/stipend at completion Use NASA SP monographs from 1970’s as backbone CPIA to coordinate editorial function
Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) Education Subcommittee 12 July Publishing with AIAA Textbook (AIAA Education Series) requires sample problems AIAA attractive for low volume production (~1000 copy run) Final manuscript required two 2 years from contract signing Projected retail cost of 400-page book would be $80 (Average 30% discount to re-sellers). Royalties to SRTC would be 15% of net (approximately $8.50 per book sold)