1 Introducing Eclipse DTP for Ingres An Introduction GIUA Juni 2007 J. Peel Ingres Corp
2 Overview Open Source Development Tool Eclipse, DTP and Ingres Database Browsing and Editing Examples
3 Ingres Business Open Source DBMS Developer IDE? Promote Ingres Uptake Promote Community Involvement
4 Eclipse Advanced Development Framework Plug-ins provide functionality Java Java IDE CDT: C/C++ IDE DTP: Data Tools Platform
5 Eclipse DTP Access to SQL Data Sources Eclipse “Look and Feel” Browse Edit View
6 Eclipse Plug-In Architecture Ingres DTP Connectivity Schema Browsing Ingres SQL Syntax Ingres DB Entities Eclipse Framework Workspace EMF GEF DTP Ingres
7 Ingres Eclipse Functionality Browse Database Objects Tables Stored Procedures Triggers (Rules) Ad Hoc SQL
8 Ingres Plug-in Overview
9 Tables Example
10 Stored Procedures Example
11 Example: Database Schema Create Audit: Table Procedure Rule
12 Database Schema Development Audit New Routes Added New Schema Components: Audit Table:route_new Stored Procedure:route_add_dbp Trigger on Table:route_add_rul
13 Create Table routes_added Example
14 Create Stored Procedure Example
15 Create Audit Rule Example
16 Test New Rule Example
17 Checking Rule Example Continued
18 Example: BEFORE Rule Create BEFORE Rule
19 Before Rule New in 2006r2 Triggers before Ingres updates the base table Prevent unwanted updates For Example Where no flight slots available Procedure and BEFORE Rule
20 Saving before procedure
21 Before Rule Example
22 Test BEFORE Trigger Example
23 Example: Develop an application Simple Application
24 Developing A Simple Application Connect to database Insert a new Country Retrieve all Countries Disconnect
25 Create Java Project
26 Add JDBC Driver Libraries Tab Add full path to iijdbc.jar
27 Create Class File New Class Package com.ingres.one Name CountryList Check public static void main
28 Class Member Variables // URL Components private static String demoHost = "localhost"; private static String demoPort = "AF7"; private static String demoDb = "demodb3"; private static String demoUser = "user=ingres"; private static String demoPassword = "password=my_password"; // JDBC Connection variables private static String demoDbUrl = "jdbc:ingres://" + demoHost + ":" + demoPort + "/" + demoDb + ";" + demoUser + ";" + demoPassword; private static Connection conn = null; private static Statement stmt = null; private static String tableName = "country"
29 Create method main() public static void main(String[] args) { createConnection(); System.out.println("Insert Switzerland (CH)..."); insertCountry("CH", "Switzerland"); System.out.println("Retrieve and print all countries found:"); retrieveCountries(); // Clean up removeCountry("CH"); }
30 Create Connection private static void createConnection() { try { Class.forName( "com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver").newInstance(); //Get a connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(demoDbUrl); } catch (Exception except) { except.printStackTrace(); }
31 Create insertCountry() method private static void insertCountry(String countryCode, String countryName) { stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("INSERT INTO " + tableName + "( ct_id, ct_code, ct_name )" + " VALUES (" + "NEXT VALUE FOR ct_id, '" + countryCode + "','" + countryName +"')"); stmt.close(); }
32 Retrieve and Print, 1 retrieve private static void retrieveCountries() { stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT ct_name, ct_code " + "FROM " + tableName); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = results.getMetaData(); The code to print the data is on the next slide…
33 Retrieve and Print, 2: print for (int i=1; i<=numberCols; i++) { //print Column Names System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnLabel(i)+ "\t\t"); } //print Column Names while(results.next()) { String countryName = results.getString(1); String countryCode = results.getString(2); System.out.println(countryCode + "\t\t" + countryName); } results.close(); stmt.close(); }
34 Remove added data private static void removeCountry(String countryCode) { stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("delete from " + tableName + " where ct_code = '" + countryCode + "'"); stmt.close(); }
35 Try / Catch Error handling has been removed Try / Catch similar to: try { /* Exception generating code block */ } catch (Exception except) { except.printStackTrace(); }
36 Running Ingres Application
37 Example: Import a Project Import the source from the IFF project
38 Importing Project Source Overview
39 Launching The Application Select the project com.ingres.demoapp Context Menu: Run As… Eclipse Application
40 Launching the Application: Example
41 Running The Application Example
42 Ingres Functionality Demonstrated Simple SELECT CountryDAO: getCountries() Dynamic SELECT AirportDAO: getRegionsByCountry() Stored Procedure AirportDAO: getAirportsByRegion()
43 Calling An Ingres Stored Procedure
44 Summary Eclipse and Ingres DTP plug-in Browse Database Ad hoc SQL Work with: Tables, Procedures, Triggers Examples Develop Schema BEFORE TRIGGER Simple Application Import IFF Demo
45 Questions? Answers!
46 Introducing Eclipse DTP for Ingres An Introduction GIUA Juni 2007 J. Peel Ingres Corp Danke schön!