Exploring Microsoft Access 97 Chapter 1 Introduction to Microsoft Access: What Is A Database? Office graphic copyright by Microsoft Corp.
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 12 Objectives (1 of 2) 4 Define field, record, table and database 4 Start Access, describe windows and objects 4 Add, edit and delete records 4 Describe record selector
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 13 Objectives (2 of 2) 4 Explain importance of data validation 4 Describe a relational database, distinguish between one-to-many and many-to-many
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 14 Overview 4 Every organization uses data 4 Introduction to database management 4 Basic operations to maintain a database 4 Introduction to Access 4 Database power with multiple tables
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 15 Introduction to a Database 4 Defining a database 4 The database window in Access 4 The six items in the window: Tables, Queries Forms, Reports, Macros, Modules
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 16 Access 97 Database Window
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 17 Tables 4 Design view used to create fields 4 Datasheet view used to add, edit or delete records 4 Each column represents a field 4 Records are recorded in rows
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 18 Tables 4 Record selector symbol next to a current record shows its status 4 Triangle indicates saved to disk 4 Pencil indicates you are working on it 4 Asterisk appears next to last the blank record in table
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 19 Tables 4 Insertion point (a flashing vertical bar appears at the point where text is entered 4 Primary key is the unique identifier for each record 4 Access automatically saves any changes in a current record as soon as you move to the next record
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 110 Access 97 Table View
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 111 Introduction to Microsoft Access Hands-On Exercise 1 4 Welcome to Windows 95 4 Obtain the Practice Files 4 Start Microsoft Access 4 Open the Books Table 4 Moving within a Table 4 Add a Record 4 Add a Second Record 4 Print the Table 4 Exit Access
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 112 Maintaining a Database 4 Replace command 4 Find command 4 GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) 4 Data Validation 4 Delete record 4 Add record 4 Undo command 4 Office Assistant
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 113 Maintaining the Database Hands-On Exercise 2 4 Open the Bookstore Database 4 The Find Command 4 The Undo Command 4 The Delete Command 4 Data Validation 4 Open the Books Form
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 114 Maintaining the Database Exercise 2 continued 4 The Replace Command 4 Run a Query 4 Print a Report 4 Office Assistant 4 Exit Access
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 115 Relational Database 4 A relational database uses multiple tables 4 A one-to-many table example is when one publisher owns many books 4 A many-to-many example is when an order can specify many books and one book may appear in many orders
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 116 Chapter 1 Summary (1 of 2) 4 Database consists of multiple, related tables 4 Access database has 6 object types –Tables, Forms, Queries, Reports, Macros, and Modules
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 117 Chapter 1 Summary (2 of 2) 4 Tables displayed in Design view or Datasheet view 4 Record Selector Symbol for record status 4 Data validation is critical
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 118 Practice with Access 1. Modify Bookstore database 2. Employee database 3. United States database 4. Filtering and Sorting 5. Using Office Assistant
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 119 Case Studies 4 Planning for Disaster 4 The Common User Interface 4 Garbage In, Garbage Out 4 The Database Consultant 4 Microsoft Online