Financing a 1:1 Program Randy Fehr Vice President for Business Services Ken Clipperton Managing Director of University Information Services Randy Fehr Vice President for Business Services Ken Clipperton Managing Director of University Information Services
The Economics of Connected Learning Questions we will attempt to answer… Why did you do this? How did you establish budget priorities? How did you pay for it all? How did you make the transition from your old approach to this one? Questions we will attempt to answer… Why did you do this? How did you establish budget priorities? How did you pay for it all? How did you make the transition from your old approach to this one?
Why did you do this? Fit with our mission Fit with our history/culture Technology ACCESS crisis Reasonable approach Fit with our mission Fit with our history/culture Technology ACCESS crisis Reasonable approach
Foundations for Financial Planning Technology expenses are operating expenses –Exceptions Standardization Technology expenses are operating expenses –Exceptions Standardization
How did you establish budget priorities? Planning is the starting point Value and Payback Tie to mission and purpose Planning is the starting point Value and Payback Tie to mission and purpose
Key assumptions Unit costs and trends Computer lab reductions Rethink technology spending Centralization of most technology purchases Unit costs and trends Computer lab reductions Rethink technology spending Centralization of most technology purchases
Our decisions Faculty first All students at once 2-year technology refresh Leasing / Bond Funding Wireless Faculty first All students at once 2-year technology refresh Leasing / Bond Funding Wireless
How did you pay for it all? How we developed the funding plan Life cycle replacement plan Shifts in funding to technology Technology spending centralized Wired infrastructure costs vs. wireless infrastructure costs How we developed the funding plan Life cycle replacement plan Shifts in funding to technology Technology spending centralized Wired infrastructure costs vs. wireless infrastructure costs
Bond Funding Requirements Elements Cost of Bonds vs. Leases Requirements Elements Cost of Bonds vs. Leases
Bonding vs. Leasing Costs Bonding Leasing Amount Funded2,000,000 Interest & Cost79,199 Cost of Lease Payments219,600 Total Costs2,079,1992,219,600 Less Sale of Equipment(419,895)(17,000) Net cost1,659,3042,202,600
Wired vs. Wireless Costs
How did you make the transition from your old approach to this one? NetLearn clear about priorities Leadership support Broad agreement about purpose Faculty first Cooperation (TRUST) NetLearn clear about priorities Leadership support Broad agreement about purpose Faculty first Cooperation (TRUST)
Keys to a Cost Effective Implementation Planning Standardization Student Technology Assistants Partnerships Planning Standardization Student Technology Assistants Partnerships
Good Planning Lowers Costs NetLearn Faculty Development / Faculty First Implementation planning teams –Communication –Development (training and assessment) –Technology –Policy & Logistics NetLearn Faculty Development / Faculty First Implementation planning teams –Communication –Development (training and assessment) –Technology –Policy & Logistics
Standardization Lowers Costs Hardware –PC –Peripherals –Infrastructure Software Support procedures Hardware –PC –Peripherals –Infrastructure Software Support procedures
Student Technology Assistants Students are a critical and cost effective technical support resource Standard procedures Intensive training Students are a critical and cost effective technical support resource Standard procedures Intensive training
Partnerships are Good More than buying stuff cheap Mutual benefits Mutual success More than buying stuff cheap Mutual benefits Mutual success
Some Lessons Learned Standardization is crucial to affordability Technology costs are operating costs Students are a critical resource Partnerships yield benefits Standardization is crucial to affordability Technology costs are operating costs Students are a critical resource Partnerships yield benefits
Thank you! Randy Fehr Ken Clipperton Randy Fehr Ken Clipperton