2007 University Roundtable Joyce James, CPS Assistant Commissioner May 31, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

2007 University Roundtable Joyce James, CPS Assistant Commissioner May 31, 2007

Page 2 Recent History: CPS Crisis In FY 2004, there were a number of high profile tragedies across the state in cases with previous CPS involvement. CPS Investigation staff were overwhelmed  CPS Investigation caseloads were increasing  The time to complete a CPS investigation was increasing  CPS Investigation turnover rates were higher than other stages of services  4 out of 10 new workers quit Supervisory tenure was decreasing. High caseloads resulted in children being left in abusive situations, repeated incidents of abuse and neglect, or premature closure.

Page 3 HHSC Review of CPS On July 2, 2004, Governor Rick Perry issued Executive Order RP 35 directing the Health and Human Services Commission to review and reform the state's Child Protective Services (CPS) program. Actions included: review of case files; administrative & organizational reform; partnering with law enforcement & local communities; review of state policy & statute. OIG Findings:  Policies and procedures appear sound  Staff, however, often did not comply with policies and procedures  OIG concluded the result of caseworker failure to do so is being overwhelmed with the volume of work.

Page 4 CPS Reform: (79 th Legislative Session) CPS Reform is part of complex DFPS agency reform requiring project management framework to manage scope of change. 164 recommendations to improve CPS Targeted Reform Issues:  Caseload and staff turnover are too high.  CPS needs to strengthen its focus on investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect.  CPS’ relations with law enforcement and the judiciary are not adequate to protect Texas children.  The agency does not have sufficient management controls.  The agency does not effectively support caseworkers.

CPS Reform Solutions 79 th Legislature enacted Senate Bill 6, with sweeping reforms. Emphasis included:  Strengthen investigations.  Support quality casework and reduce caseloads.  Improve services to families and children.  Build community partnerships.  Expand prevention efforts.  Strengthen accountability.

Strengthen Investigations: Achievements Created an Office of Investigations Improved screening to reduce unnecessary investigations  41 Screener positions Embedded Special Investigators with law enforcement background in CPS investigation units  430 Special Investigator positions created by end of FY07 Implemented policies for audio/video taping of investigations and transportation of children Revised risk and safety tools to recognize high-risk cases; designed automation enhancements Retrained all field staff, supervisory level and above, on Risk and Safety Assessment

Support Quality Casework: Achievements Reduced investigation caseloads:  Daily caseload 44 in FY 2004 to 34.7 in FY 2006 Transformed direct delivery staff to “functional units” (support positions, lowered span of control) Deployed mobile technology to INV, FBSS staff. Increased salaries for direct delivery staff. Implemented statewide centralized placement process. Totally redesigned new caseworker training.

CPS Reform Integrated Caseworker Investigations Child safety intervention Documentation Working With Supervisor Gathering Evidence Case-related travel Reviewing Case Histories Making Initial Collateral Contacts Transporting Children to Visits Paperwork to Initiate Services Notification Letters Supervising Parent-Child Visits Case Aides Transporting Children to Visits Supervising Parent-Child Visits Dedicated Investigative Caseworker Investigations Child safety intervention Documentation Working With Supervisor Gathering Evidence Case-related travel Clerical Staff Paperwork to Initiate Services Notification Letters Special Investigators Investigations Gathering Evidence OLD SYSTEM Inefficient - all functions concentrated on a single caseworker NEW SYSTEM Distributed - all functions performed by most appropriate staff Case Screeners Review Case Histories Make Initial Collateral Contacts

Improve Services to Families and Children: Achievements Implemented performance management initiative Expedited home studies Expanded kinship care initiative statewide Expanded family group decision making services to 59 counties Collaborated on Health Care Delivery Model and medical passport, forensic medical assessments Activated Medicaid coverage for youth age 18 until 21 with a single application Implemented Psychotropic medication protocols Distributed education portfolios Created Youth Specialist positions in each region Created regional Nurse positions

Build Community Partnerships: Achievements Initiated remediation plan to address disproportionality of African American children in Texas child welfare system  Formed Community Advisory Committees (Port Arthur, Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth area, Austin) Developed protocol to co-locate CPS staff with law enforcement, school and medical professionals Signed cooperative agreements with TWC and local workforce boards to support youth transitioning to adulthood Developed joint investigation training with law enforcement to improve interview techniques and evidence gathering Participated in Ribbon cuttings for multiple transition centers Created community engagement staff; CPS volunteers across the state Held regular, regional stakeholder and town hall meetings

Expand Prevention Efforts: Achievements Created the Drug-Endangered Child (DEC) Initiative Task Force; 40+ DEC teams formed Established the Family Drug Court Program to integrate substance abuse treatment services into child abuse/neglect cases, when necessary Enhanced IMPACT application to better track intakes involving manufacture of methamphetamines Hired substance abuse specialists in each region Signed At Risk Prevention and Innovative Prevention contracts Implemented evidence-based contracting

Improve Accountability: Achievements Performance indicators developed for direct delivery positions Created weekly reports to enable supervisors to have data needed to manage performance Policies, procedures and tools were implemented to strengthen contracting processes Community accountability was enhanced through the inclusion of DFPS Renewal web pages, posting information on our agency change efforts

Page 13 Improving Services: Next Steps 79 th Legislature funded major improvements in CPS. Foremost among improvements was strengthening investigations. Enhancements are needed to services once the investigation indicates risk is present. Enhancements are recommended to:  Keep families together,  Reduce the length of time children remain in state care,  Improve the quality and accountability of foster care, and  Reduce the rate of growth in foster care.

Page 14 Strategy: Keep Families Together Engage families to ensure children can remain safely in their own homes through provision of family preservation services.  Use Family Group Decision Making in an investigation to prevent removal  Lower FBSS caseloads  Establish Strengthen Families Through Enhanced In-Home Support program to offset certain poverty related factors Ensure adequate resources are available for purchased services for children and families prior to removal

Page 15 Strategy: Reduce Length of Time Children Remain in State Care Ensure services are realistic, accessible, available to children and families.  Provide Family Group Decision Making to additional families after removal to ensure realistic service plan, increase kinship placement  Provide adequate resources for purchased services that are designed to help reunite families Lower conservatorship caseloads.  Enable regular, meaningful contact with children, families (monthly face-to-face)

Page 16 Strategy: Reduce Length of Time Children Remain in State Care (cont) Achieve permanency in a timely manner.  Support kinship placements with kinship workers, daycare, financial assistance for eligible families  Expedite adoptions with additional staff for timely redaction of records  Improve court services by increasing attorney and support staff for DFPS.

Page 17 Strategy: Improve the Quality and Accountability of Foster Care Improve quality and accountability in DFPS services.  Provide Tablet PCs for conservatorship care and licensing staff for timely, accurate data entry and improved quality  Expand Disproportionality sites  Strengthen program support and administrative services with staff and resources to make IMPACT and CLASS modifications  Integrate case information through use of technology, system improvements and dedicated staff to provide access to accurate, complete historical records.

Page 18 Strategy: Improve the Quality and Accountability of Foster Care (cont) Improve quality and accountability in contracted services.  Strengthen licensing oversight through more thorough, objective and specialized monitoring and investigation of foster care providers  Strengthen contract oversight with additional staff for improved monitoring and by using technology for better information to mitigate risk  Improve quality/timing background and criminal history checks and comply with federal regulations  Continue implementation and improvement of medical services Expand quality and capacity with substitute care annual statewide needs analysis.

Page 19 Strategy: Realize Foster Care Caseload Reduction Family Group Decision Making during an investigation, Strengthen Families Through Enhanced In-home Support, lower caseloads for FBSS workers, and a strengthened Kinship Care program should result in fewer children entering foster care. Family Group Decision Making after removal, Strengthen Families Through Enhanced In-home Support, lower caseloads for CVS workers, strengthened Kinship Care, and more staff to support adoption efforts should result in shorter stays in foster care.

Page 20 University and DFPS Partnership Fruits of our Partnership:  Stipend students shown to have improved outcomes for children and family (Dr. Leung)  Social Work training positively impacts recruitment and retention  Research, data-driven practice  Shared commitment to CPS Vision and Values

Page 21 University and DFPS Partnership Special Upcoming Needs:  Key stakeholder input into our next federal CFSR, scheduled for March Contribution to Statewide Assessment regarding Safety, Permanency and Well-Being Participation as a Stakeholder in the process  Assistance with ongoing increases in CPS staff  Continued cultural change, incorporate practice changes