Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission Final Assignment
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission Items to Include in Your Lesson Presentation 1.How will you get the content in to your Tablet so you can use the power of digital ink and other Tablet tools? I am lucky to be using fairly new books that include power points, lesson plans, and test generators on CD ROM that give me the ability to download them directly onto the computer. 2.How will the students receive their portion of the assignment? I plan to start slowly in one class and hoping by the end of the year to be almost completely paper free. Assignments will be given on my calendar on a week to week, or even, day to day basis. 3.What will the students be doing during the lesson presentation? (Student Engagement) The students will be following along in the book as I go through the presentation, hopefully being able to answer and give examples the objective questions ask for and formulating questions they may have about the material being covered or their personal opinions about the material.
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission Lesson Inclusion (contd) 4.How will the student portion be submitted to you for evaluation? When I do have the kids using their PCs for work they will either send it to me, if it is a paper, or for quizzes and tests they will take generated or created quizzes or tests that will be in random order and will automatically be graded, unless Essays will be a part of the evaluation 5.How will you use the TabletPC to evaluate the student work? As stated before it will be sent to me in most writing assignments for correction 6.What will be the strategy to return completed assignment to your student? As shown to us in our first in-service, I plan to send the student my marks on any papers sent to me so that they can look at what Ive done and correct it on the spot. 7.Will there time when the lids will be down on the student computers? Yes, there will be those times- I still will use some paper sometimes for quizzes and any short quick items we may do in class.
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission Lesson Inclusion (contd) 8.Describe what challenges you see you may have in managing your classroom and what your thoughts would be for handling those. There will definitely be problems right away, such as 1. Keeping students from playing with the computer when they get it. 2. making sure the students are staying on task with your class an not trying to work done for the next class 3. Keeping their attention with the use of this technology- even this will get old at some point. 4. Keeping a personal relationship with the students and making sure they still work together and arent just typing away all day with no personal interaction with each other. 9.How repeatable is this lesson strategy for lessons you will be teaching? It is very repeatable, but I will try to change gears and try to throw a curve ball in there to keep it fun and interesting. 10.Other considerations?
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission Phase 2 Will be held on the Dakota State University Campus on July 31 and August 1 This is where the rubber will meet the road This is where teachers will gather in peer curriculum groups and discuss curriculum strategies for utilizing the Tablet and 1 to 1 computing Emphasis needs to be placed on student engagement
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission This Is Where You will present your lesson and the 10 points presented Your peers will have the opportunity to learn from you and you from them Lessons will be improved upon and shared
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission For Phase 2 Teachers will split into 11 broad curriculum areas Ag/Industrial Technology - Social Science Business/ Computer - Science English /Language Arts - Math Family and Consumer Sciences - Fine Arts Foreign Language Special Education Health-Physical Education
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission More on Phase 2 You will be split into smaller sub groups such as all of the physical science teachers from the 20 pilot schools You will share their content lesson and engagement strategies with your peers that were developed following phase 1 There will be critiquing and improvements Then the physical science teachers will share with all science teachers the best of the best
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission More on Phase 2 On day two there be cross curriculum sharing where the science teachers will share with another but unrelated curriculum area By the conclusion of the two days there will be the sharing of the best of the best for teachers to take home
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission Phase 2 Will Emphasize Classroom management within content areas will be discussed Methods of engaging students Strategies of when to have the computer up and running as well as when it is best to not have the computer going The continued sharing between discipline areas within a school as well as sharing within discipline from school to school
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission
Professional Development May not be duplicated without permission