International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.1 Léon Walras (1834–1910)
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.2 Global Economic Crisis: real world trade flows (index),
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.3 Trade volumes and the Global Economic Crisis; selected areas,
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.3 Trade volumes and the Global Economic Crisis; selected areas,
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.4 Extent, duration, and speed of trade volume decline during GEC
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.4 Extent, duration, and speed of trade volume decline during GEC
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.5 Surprise! OECD’s changing world trade growth projections for 2009
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.6 American house prices, 1975 – 2010
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.7 Global imbalances; current account balance (US $ bn),
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.8 Stock market index,
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.9 Maximum loans by Federal Reserve to selected banks ($ bn),
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.10 Global industrial production and trade volume,
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.11 Extent, duration, and speed of industrial production decline during GEC
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.12 Expected government budget deficit (% of GDP), 2011
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.13 Expected general government gross debt (% of GDP), 2011
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.14 Emerging markets; 20 largest foreign exchange reserves, mid 2011 ($bn)
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.15 Foreign-held US government debt (US $ billion), 2011
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.16 ‘Supply chain’ example: assembly of hard disk drives in Thailand
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.17 Collapsing trade flows: calculating extent, duration, and speed, Netherlands
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.18 Supply chains and extent and speed of trade collapse
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.18 Supply chains and extent and speed of trade collapse
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.19 EU imbalances; current account balance (% of GDP), 2004 – 2011
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.20 Euro area economic conditions; selected countries, 2011
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.21 Diverging interest rates in the Euro area, selected countries,