Stretch & Challenge Learning Objectives: To understand how to stretch and Challenge A’ Level and A* GCSE Students To know examples of activities used to.


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Presentation transcript:

Stretch & Challenge Learning Objectives: To understand how to stretch and Challenge A’ Level and A* GCSE Students To know examples of activities used to stretch and challenge. To be apply the stretch and challenge activities to your subject area.

Starter: think pair, share….what is meant by stretch and challenge? Re-write the question to make it more challenging.

Stretch and Challenge Made Simple……… Classic Diamond Nine……… do we stretch using the diamond nine?

A grade: Justify your decision. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________ Key question: Is it ‘ethical’ to buy low cost goods produced in developing markets? Arguments to support Arguments against Student task 1: Produce a diamond nine that includes arguments for/against. Student task 2: Students were split into a new group. Group 1 researched arguments for. Group 2 researched arguments against. They presented back their findings and then returned to their partners. Student task 3: Students returned to their partners and then proceeded to create their own diamond nine again. Student task 4: Students compared their diamond nine to the one the teacher produced and had to decide if they wanted to replace any of their arguments – they didn’t.

A grade: Justify your decision. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________________ Arguments to support Key question: Is it ‘ethical’ to buy low cost goods produced in developing markets? Emerging markets such as china are growing Foreign companies are contributing to the growth in the middle classes in emerging markets. 1,021 textile workers died in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory building near Dhaka. There are currently 3.5 million children living in poverty in the UK. Apple’s suppliers were using child labour. European and UK manufactures have strict labour laws protecting their workers. Costs are higher if produced in the UK. Lower costs if produced in emerging markets. Arguments against

Syllabus Tweaks By Iain Barlow

Stretch and Challenge Within the Syllabus

E - Recall C - Describe A – Explain Stretch and Challenge Within the Syllabus

Syllabus Tweaks (Iain) E – Recall Recall that the resistance of metallic conductors increases with increasing temperature and that the resistance of NTC thermistors decreases with increasing temperature. C – Describe Describe an experiment to investigate the relationship between resistance of metallic conductors and temperature. (Same experimental procedure for thermistors). A – Explain Explain, qualitatively, how changes of resistance with temperature may be modeled in terms of lattice vibrations and number of conduction electrons. Stretch and Challenge Within the Syllabus

Syllabus Tweaks (Iain) Stretch and Challenge Within the Syllabus Grade E

Syllabus Tweaks (Iain) Stretch and Challenge Within the Syllabus Grade C

Syllabus Tweaks (Iain) Stretch and Challenge Within the Syllabus Grade A

Your Turn… Using our ideas, our ideas of your own, create a task where you stretch and challenge your students STOP! 20

Review Move to someone from a different strand and you have not worked with before. Present back your stretch and challenge activities to your partner. Peer assessment: – Where is the challenge? – How will it challenge the students? – Is there anything missing? Could it be improved? Questioning techniques!

Stretching your Questioning Never give the answer ‘And why’ technique Use of connectives – For instance? – Therefore ‘Pounce and Bounce’ technique Take the time to plan

Bluewave Swift

Examples of stretch and challenge

What changes will be made to the question papers to assess Stretch and Challenge? There will be no additional papers or optional questions for Stretch and Challenge – it will be assessed within existing A2 question papers. Awarding bodies will achieve this through: A particular style of questions – a greater variety of introductions to questions, for example 'analyse', 'evaluate', 'discuss' Structuring questions in a more coherent way which shows more connections between sections of the specification, for example from a) to b) to c). Including extended writing in all subjects except where it is clearly inappropriate, for example Maths. Using a wider range of question types, for example, case studies and open-ended questions, rather than just short answer questions. Developing improved synoptic assessments, not just superficial links between areas relating to question types. Stretch and Challenge at A’ Level

Stretch and Challenge Activity 1 Exam question Ask students to produce exam questions for the topic they are studying. These could be scaffolded by criteria or left open. Extension: - Students go on to create model answers to the questions they have set. - Students swap questions with one another and then answer these. - Questions are taken in by the teacher and redistributed at random. After writing answers students meet up with the question author to mark the work.

Beat the teacher is also good for motivating some students. Give them a little time to come up with any questions related to recently covered content and then have a full class Q&A slot with the teacher in the hot seat. Other students can then be involved in additional question formation as well. The challenge here is to find something the teacher can’t answer or gets wrong! Stretch and Challenge Activity 2 Beat the Teacher

Strong learners often finish fast and to a good standard. What could provide a motivating stretch at that point? Ask them to make up three questions to check understanding of the last task. This can be done as a competition with you choosing the best three to ask the class afterwards. Get them to predict which three main points you are going to recap from the group task. Points scored for getting it right, if the learners respond well to an element of competition. Have a fun follow up ready – a game, quiz, vocabulary box activity. Stretch and Challenge Activity 3 Extension Activity

Incorporate some carousel activities, where students work at tables and move to another table and a new task when they have finished. Tasks can be at different levels of difficulty. Teachers facilitates the learning monitoring and feedback and can define who works where at the start of the session. Stretch and Challenge Activity 4 Carousel Activities

Group composition and use of roles Group learners so that strong learners work together. Set a task that pushes them and an explicit instruction to challenge, query and use higher order questioning/ thinking skills. If these are not familiar to them, I provide some prompt cards with suggested questions or question stems. Include challenging extension questions on cards. There is automatic stretch for learners if they are working with others around or above their own level of knowledge or skills. This often has a positive effect on group dynamics and the quality of work produced in the group task. Roles within group tasks can also provide stretch, as you can allocate roles based on skills/ areas of knowledge that learners need to develop, e.g. Spelling monitor for the one who is strong on content but can be careless with accuracy. Most learners, even strong ones, have something they need to work on. Stretch and Challenge Activity 5 Carousel Activities