Pathophysiology Zhao Mingyao (Jasper) Department of Pathophysiology Medical College, Zhengzhou University
Top 10 China’s Universities for MBBS study with moderate tuition fees (Duration: 6 years, 2012 ) 16/72 (22.2%) UniversityTuition fee RMB( USD) per year UniversityTuition fee RMB( USD) per year 1. Central South UniversityCentral South University (5160) 6. Jiangsu UniversityJiangsu University (3500) 2. Zhengzhou University*****Zhengzhou University (4195) 7. Dalian Medical UniversityDalian Medical University (6774) 3. Southeast UniversitySoutheast University (4840) 8. Wuhan UniversityWuhan University (5160) 4. Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyHuazhong University of Science and Technology (6452) 9. Capital Medical UniversityCapital Medical University (5500) 5. Tianjin Medical UniversityTianjin Medical University (6620) 10. Xi ’ an Jiaotong UniversityXi ’ an Jiaotong University (6600) *****
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Data analyse 16/72 (22.2%) international students from ZZU passed Medical License Exams in India, failed In India, More than 6000 students from the world participated in the Medical License Exams in 2011 , 800 passed it. 60 graduates from TMU attended the exams and 39 of them passed(65%). Among 800 passman, Mr. Aurabh Suman came second in the exams.
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How to do? I only hear; I forget I see, write down and repeat; I remember I do and think; I understand
1. What is Pathophysiology ? 2. Why to study it ? 3. How to study it ? 4. What is it consisted of in our textbook? Preface to Pathophysiology
1.What is pathophysiology?
Pathophysiology ? = Clinical Physiology Medical Physiology Physiology of Disease Physiology of Disordered Function
Pathophysiology ? = abnormal physiology + abnormal biochemistry
Pathophysiology = Explore the rule of origin and evolution of disease processes (the underlying mechanisms). Basing on physiology and biochemistry
The Methodologies Used in Pathophysiology Experiments study Clinical observation Epidemiological study
? Basic medicine Clinical medicine 2. Why to study Pathophysiology ? explain “ Why and How ” of diseases
Why Is Pathophysiology Important? An essential introduction to clinical medicine A bridge: basic medicine and diseases Enables us to understand why and how diseases develop Various clinical manifestations appear, which are the underlying mechanisms In so doing devise rational therapeutics
3. How to study pathophysiology ? Success comes with industry, but diligence …?
Major Points in Learning Pathophysiology The general concepts The etiology and pathogenesis The alterations of metabolism and function The principles for prevention and therapies
4.Content of pathophysiology in this textbook Pathological process General introduction on disease Systemic and organic ~ Cellular and molecular ~
Conspectus of Disease Chapter 1
1.Concept of Disease Aberrant manifestation of deregulated homeostasis caused by harmful agents The development of a disease is a pathologic process with a characteristic set of signs and symptoms involved in the whole body or any of its parts
Concept of Health Without any evidence of disease, and a state of complete well-being physically, socially and psychologically WHO health disease subhealth transitiontransition stagestage
2.Etiology of Disease Study the causative agents Answer the question why disease happens
complete well-being physically socially psychologically Extrinsic FactorsIntrinsic Factors Predisposing factors Precipitating factors
3. Pathogenesis of diseases
General rules for pathogenesis of diseases (1) Disruption of homeostasis (2) Process of damage and anti-damage (3) Reversal role of cause and result (4) Correlation between systemic and local regulations furuncle
Eyewinker Monocyte Physic barrier Stress Immunoreaction Inflammation Coagulation Detoxification Radiation Microbe Stressor Pyrogen Teratologic Carcinogen Trauma Process of damage and anti-damage
Neural regulations Humoral regulations Cellular regulations Molecular regulations Basic Mechanisms for Disease
4.Phases of Diseases Latency Prodrome Recovery Disease 序曲 前奏 高潮 尾声 Clinic symptoms
Outcome of Disease Recovery Death Complete recovery Incomplete recovery
Death The body as a whole stops working forever Brain death is the marker for the diagnosis
Brain Death (WHO criteria) Cessation of spontaneous respiration Irreversible coma Absence of cephalic reflexes Dilated or fixed pupils Absence of any electrical activity of the brain Absence of brain blood flow
Significance for diagnosis of brain death In favor of recording the time of death Define the time to terminate for the rescue In favor of organ transplantation
How to do? I only hear; I forget I see, write down and repeat; I remember I do and think; I understand
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