What is Cows and Fish? We are about: being a catalyst for action technical assistance another approach to resolve landscape issues maintenance and restoration of biodiversity people, partnerships, and communities a process
What is Cows and Fish? We are about: ecological literacy sustainable livestock management landscapes and watersheds building stewardship: literacy attitude shift changes in action
Mission Cows and Fish Process Elements Awareness Community Based Action Tool Building Team Building Monitoring
Cows and Fish Process Elements Mission Awareness
Management Committee Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Program “Cows and Fish” Partners AAFRD AENV CCA ACC TUC PFRA DFO Producers MDs Counties ACA
Cows and Fish Process Elements Mission Awareness Team Building
Cows and Fish Process Elements Mission Awareness Tool Building Team Building
Cows and Fish Process Elements Mission Awareness Community Based Action Tool Building Team Building
Cows and Fish Process Elements Mission Awareness Community Based Action Tool Building Team Building Monitoring
Riparian Health Assessment putting all the pieces of the puzzle together
Stream Riparian Health Alberta: based on ~300 sites in southern and central areas Montana: based on ~2,000 miles of stream Idaho: based on ~800 miles of stream
Alberta Riparian Health Data for up to 2002; based on ~900 sites
“The future isn’t what it used to be”
Working with Communities: Sharing our experience Lesson 1 Producers, local communities and/or watershed groups must drive riparian management planning decisions.
Working with Communities: Sharing our experience Lesson 2 Create a team effort.
Working with Communities: Sharing our experience Lesson 3 Ownership of riparian grazing and other issues lies with the landowners.
Working with Communities: Sharing our experience Lesson 4 Get out and talk to producers and their communities.
Working with Communities: Sharing our experience Lesson 5 Learn from landowners!
Working with Communities: Sharing our experience Lesson 6 Send a positive message to the general public.