T EAM B UILDING AND PROJECT TEAM Luise Lorenz Christina Mohr Niklas Wilkens
T EAM B UILDING - W HY IT IS SO IMPORTANT ? - Projects became more complex (technically, organizationally and contractually) Difficult for one person to handle Sharing the project into manageable tasks to increase the prospect of success
T EAM B UIDLING IN THE WORKPLACE Common goals Understanding the objectives of the organization Mandatory for a good organizational environment Creates better communication, relationship and motivation of employees Increasing productivity
T EAM B UIDLING P ROBLEMS Temporary ‚task-force‘ groups only for the duration of one project Specialists are located in different places, work away from each other Different firms with own values and goals (conflict of loyalty) Different interests, skills, personalities Entering the project at different stages (after important decisions were made) The team is selected randomly (who is available) Incompetent delegation
P ROJECT T EAMS construction is mainly project based multi disciplined teams required many benefits through teamwork two main distinctions: CLIENT TEAM SUPPLY TEAM Architect Surveyors Engineers SubcontractorsEngineersManagers
T EAMWORK TEAM ≠ GROUP a team works collaboratively towards a common goal a group works on the same project with few or no interactions increases the effectiveness of individuals without losing their individuality it is important to not stifle creativity or ideas outweighs strength and weakness of individual responsibilities are spread
T EAMWORK dysfunctional teams ( e.g. unreliable subcontractors ) ideal size is 5 – 10 on sites numbers vary from 20 – 200 teams tend to subdivide themselves once a certain number is reached many subcontractors within a project: common to have one subcontractor coordinator in the project team
K EY P RINCIPLES early involvement selection by value not lowest price (quality) joint processes (e.g. shared IT) commitment followed by openness and trust especially trust can be difficult in practice teamwork reaches its full potential once everybody is open about their expectations
C RITICAL S UCCESS F ACTORS shared risk register prevention of conflicts clear and measurable goals, open for everyone focus on the same tasks defined and clear identification of roles and responsibilities simplifies coordination performance measurements or supply and client team members identify and resolve problems + share best practice
P ARTNERING M ETHODS Project Partnering: o Supply team and project team work on one project following a competitive procurement savings of 2 – 10 % Strategic Partnering: o Supply team and project team working on a series of projects promoting a continuous improvement savings up to 30 %
R EFERENCES Fryer, B. The practice of construction management. Blackwell Science. Cooke, B., & Williams, P. Construction planning, programming and control. Wiley-Blackwell. Heathfild, S.M. (n.d.). Twelve tips for team building: how to build successful work teams. Retrieved from ip_team.htm ip_team.htm Teamtechnology, (n.d.). Team building - a complete guide. Retrieved from basic.htm#_blankhttp:// basic.htm#_blank Office of Government Commerce, Initials. (2007). The integrated project team. Retrieved from