Basis for System Design and Management - Team Building - Takashi Maeno Toshiyuki Yasui Seiko Shirasaka 1
1.Ice Break (10min) 2.Team Making (30min) 3.Team Building (50min) 2
1. Ice Break 1.Make Pair 3 2.Find a common favorite food 3.Write down his/her name and a common favorite food 0. Take a note (or paper) and a pen 4.Make different pair 5.Repeat Step 2 to 4 for 3 minutes (You cannot select the same food which has been identified for other pair)
1. Ice Break 1.Make Pair 4 2.Find a common favorite thing (not food) 3.Write down his/her name and a common favorite thing 0. Take a note (or paper) and a pen 4.Make different pair 5.Repeat Step 2 to 4 for 3 minutes (You cannot select the same thing which has been identified for other pair)
1.Ice Break (10min) 2.Team Making (30min) 3.Team Building (50min) 5
2. Team Making 6 1.Express your interest 2.Gather persons with similar interest and make teams
1.Ice Break (10min) 2.Team Making (30min) 3.Team Building (50min) 7
3. Team Building 8 Self Introduction (60sec per person) Must include Best favorite food from the list Best favorite thing from the list
3. Team Building 9 Find the common best food (60sec) (Try to avoid selecting the same food as other team’s)
3. Team Building 10 Find the common best thing (60sec) (Try to avoid selecting the same thing as other team’s)
3. Team Building 11 Make a paper tower
3. Team Building 12 Make a paper tower 1.Make a plan how to make a paper tower (10min) 2.Make paper tower (5 min) 3.Review your plan (Good points, bad points, how to improve) (5 min)
3. Team Building 13 Make a paper tower-2 1.Make a improved plan how to make a paper tower (10min) 2.Make paper tower (5 min) 3.Review your plan (Good points, bad points, how to improve) (5 min)
Homework 14 1.Go outside! 2.Everyone takes 10 pictures which related to your team topic. 3.Share the pictures within your team.