Rise of Dictators The _______________________ that followed WWI gave rise to dictators. ____________________and the Nazis (Fascists) in 1933 violated the Treaty of Versailles, rebuilt Germany and expanded into Austria & Czechoslovakia. _____________________ comes to power in Italy. Militarism Militarists in ___________ led by General __________ conquered Manchuria and invaded China. Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy joined together to form the __________________________. American Neutrality The _______________________ prohibited Americans from selling arms to warring nations or traveling on their ships. 1937— _______________________ gave a speech declaring that war was similar to a contagious disease and calling for a “______________________” of aggressive nations to keep America from getting involved. Just in case, _________________ increased spending on the army and navy. Early War 1939—Germany took ______________. 1940— _______________ fell to Nazis. Germany wanted to invade ________________________________ and began continuous air raids on English cities. Germany focused on the ________________________________. August 1941—FDR & Churchill met in the Atlantic to outline aims for a post- war world, called the ________________________________ setting 8 democratic principles— including gradual disarmament. U.S. Moves Toward War 1937 When Japan attacked _____________, US cut off all trade with Japan and froze their assets in the US FDR sends armed merchant ships to carry supplies to _________________. Pearl Harbor December ________, 1941 ______________ believed a surprise attack would catch American unprepared and eliminate them as a naval power in the _________________. Japanese airplanes attack a majority of the US fleet at Pearl Harbor. The next day, the US declared war on Japan. 4 days later, Germany & _______________ declared war on the US The Home Front The Draft—Men ___________; women could enlist; 1 million African- Americans served; _______ Americans served. Females & Minorities—filled the gap in available jobs; ________% of women were employed during the war. War-Time Production—managed economy; controlled use of raw materials; ________________________ conversion to wartime production Rationing—rubber, _______________, oil, sugar, butter and _______________.
Japanese Internment The attack on ___________________cr eated fear among Americans, especially on the West Coast. Japanese Americans were forced to relocate to __________________ camps. The camps were primitive and crowded. The Supreme Court upheld these relocations in __________________ v. US War in Europe Instead of fighting on 2 fronts, FDR focused on ___________________ first 1942—defeated ____________________ in North Africa —headed into Italy June 6, 1944—Invasion of _____________________ Quickly freed Paris and worked toward Berlin, while __________________ came from the other direction War in the Pacific Japan made significant gains, while US ___________ and focused on Germany 1943—tide turned when we defeated the Japanese navy in the Battle of _______________. US goes on the offensive and begins their strategy of “ _________________hopping.” Truman & “The Bomb” FDR died before the end of the war. ______________________________________, FDR’s successor, feared an invasion might cost a ___________________________ US soldiers. Truman decides to drop the bomb instead. August 6—bomb dropped on ____________________ August 9—bomb dropped on _____________________. Over 100,000 died with each bomb. The Holocaust Nazis killed _____ million European Jews and other “undesirables” Systematically rounded up and sent by train to extermination camps like _________________________. Liberation revealed dead and half-starved survivors Trials for “crimes against humanity” were held at ______________________